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I'm not really sure where this is going but I thought it would be fun to pretend to be and influencer so this is that... Also please don't make this embarrassing and play along I need this for summer because I'll have literally nothing else.

We should start with a back story of me and some fun facts

I'm 16 (I'll be 17 in October)

Im pretty cool of we're being honest I have a whole job.

I am deaf in one ear which I've been told makes me disabled so...

Anyways I've been told I'm judgemental (which is true yes but the teacher who told me that is also so judgemental.)

I have this one teacher who is my best friend like he's great. A MAN (shocking I think he's limp wristed.) I also have this other teacher who's my best friends she's great and confirmed queer.

My knees give out alot I have bad knees.

And a bad memory... I need a brain scan.

I'm funny, that's a fact because people have told me I'm funny and I think that I should believe them.

I don't like bald men, wrote about it for the school new paper.

I accidentally went on a date, I'm ignoring the boy that asked me out (it's been weeks.)

I'm... gay?

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