How can this be?

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Maxon POV
I was rushing to see Anerica,I can't loose her now I just can't. But when I walked into the room Jackson was there. UGH why can't he just go Away and leave me and America alone,but no he just has to help and step in my way. But I decided to just ignore him. Once I arrived almost beside America I pushed Jackson out of the way. He looks really angry. YES SCORE I JUST MADE JACKSON ANGRY. I go and hug America making sure that she is okay and at the end she is. Thank goodness,i don't know what I would have done if I lost her today. she looks shocked when I hugged her,but she hugged me back after a few second. She gave me a smile that I missed so much
"America dear, your back I missed u so much!" She gave me this look that again I've missed so much. That reminded me,she hates being called my dear,so I have her a smirk back.
"Maxon i told u not to call me that!"
"I know but ur just too cute to pass up that opportunity!" she just rolled her eyes at me,than I remembered that I had a date with Celeste UGH WHY.
"America I have to go but I will be back to check on u later." and with that I walked out of the room and went to Celeste's room.
"Hey ready?"
"um..."pretending to think"heck ya!!"
now I feel a little guilty because Americas in the hospital and I'm her on a date with Celeste,HOW COULD I!!!
~~ times past~~~
I'm walking to Americas hospital room. when I see it,WHY US JACKSON STILL HERE!!!! so I walk up to him and push him to the ground! Thank goodness America is asleep right now. Jackson clutches his jaw as he stand up and yelled
"What was that for?"
"That's was for being here! Can u stay away from America?" I yelled
"No I want her!" he yelled while punching me in the jaw
then suddenly I felt a pair of gentle hand on my jaw and heard a gasp
"Maxon are you okay?" America asked "ya I'm okay" I said while holding my jaw
"JACKSON WHY DID U DO THAT!" America yelled
"I didn't!" Jackson said back. why is he lying to her
"YOUR LYIBG TO HER! I yelled then I turned to America "America lets just go" America nodded her head and we headed towards the door. just then I heard the rebel alarm go off and suddenly there was a rebel in front on us he pointed the gun to me. I could see him pull the tiger but it didn't feel any pain I opened my eyes to see a bloody America on the floor. I keeled beside her and strikes her gently face that's now covers in blood. I was so angry and sad because America jumped I front of me to save me. I was so angry I ran after the rebel and punched in so hard he was unconscious. I went back to America. and lifted her to the hospital. the doctors said she had to surgery immediately. so I waited. why can't I be shoot why did it have to be America. there where beeping sound in the surgery room but all of a sudden it all when quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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