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Kira walk walks in to miruko hero agency as she keeps her hood up Covering her face. "Welcome can I help you?" Said the intern mikasa brief. "I'm here to talk to Miruko about signing as a hero here?" Said kira. "Ah yes your the recommendation by ruykyu." Kira nodded as miruko was paged on her cell. Kira sat down as miruko kicked open the door....litterally. "I was in the middle if a good fight!" Kira flinched and quickly stood. "It's ok I'll leave." Miruko could hear the womans heart racing as she sighed. "No, Stay. I'll do you interview tonight for now I'll have you as an intern till then. You and me will patrol, get a feel for ya." Kira nods as she smiles. "Got your hero outfit? "Yep!" (Above image, but instead of glasses it's a mask similar to midnight's) she nodded and walking out kira quickly followed. " I received reports from endeavor that a new type of nomu has been seen around here, what is your quirk by the way?" The rabbit hero asks. "Its called hellspawn. I have Mark's on my body that generate energy. I can use it to increase my strength, speed, make blasts and beams, I can even use the beams to propel myself in a form of flight, over using it can cause self injury and exhaustion. Think of it like a gun kicking back and hurting you." As she finishes a scream is heard and they take off running as a woman screams about her daughter pointing at a nomu with a child. With out thinking kira blasts off and tackles the nomu making the girl fall into miruko arms. Kira or Lady mystic as shes called during hero work grabs the nomu tightly as they fall the nomu unable to concentrate its flight quirk. Crashing into the ground. Lady mystic stands up and is immediately punched in the face by the nomu. (Start music) she gets up a few feet a way as her arms glow. "Hells gloves!" She charges as she exchanged blows with the nomu before being sent flying again. "You cant win, I am the perfect nomu!" The creature rasped. Kira got up and spat put some blood. "Perfect huh? Let's test that theory." She charged into him in a spear as she propelled them both into the sky as it elbowed her in the kidney repeatedly but she refused to let go as she spun and flung him as hard as she could the nomu recovering mid are and attacking with a high speed slash taking across kiras arm making her scream in pain while she blocked her face, be fore she was kicked to the ground the nomu dove down and dragged her across the ground before flinging her into a building before standing looking at where she was thrown. "Pathetic." As it began to walk away miruko had just arrived in fighting position burying her feelings thinking her new employee was dead. "Dont....count me out....just yet...."

(But clothes more ripped up)

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(But clothes more ripped up)

" I'm not dead yet." The nomu looked at her. "This will he easy." Kira laughed. "Miruko. I'm going all out, keep innocent people away." Kira tossed her book on her hip aside and closed her eyes. "ABSOLUTE DEMON!!" she began snarling as her Mark's ( the red marks on her arms chest legs and there are some on her back) glow as she charged the nomu with terrifying speed grabbing the nomu face and slammed it into the ground with energy infused strength before throwing the nomu 4 feet. Rumi watched as the snarling woman fought. She was a stark contrast to the timid woman she saw earlier. She definitely had questions. The 2 combatants clashed again and again as kira slowly became more savage and ferocious with her attacks. The nomu slashed at her right arm as kira dodged and tore it off and beat the nomu with it before the nomu tried to blast kira with a mouth beam sending her flying back a deep gash in her ribs as she got up and laughed. "What are you?!" The nomu asked fear creeping in its voice. "The Demon hero." She answered as she savagely attacked the nomu and began using her sharp nails to shred the nomu flesh before grabbing it and blasting into the sky "ARMAGEDDON DIVE BOMB!" As she collided with the ground a massive violet dome of energy explodes outwards making miruko shield her eyes. Once she can see again she runs toward sliding down the side if the crator left by the attack, kira is unconcious and there is no sign of the nomu, she is very sure there was no way it survived. "Lady arcane!!!"she screams. She listens carefully hearing a faint heart beat. She quickly picks up the exhausted trainer and jumps out the crator before being met by hawks and endeavor. "What was that explosion?!" Hawks asked. "I'll explain later. But she needs medical attention NOW." miruko said, sure she was rash but she didnt want one of her trainees dying on the first day. "Give her to me I can get her help faster." Miruko nodded as hawks took off as fast as he could to the nearest hospital. Hours past and kira woke up and looked at a news report showing miruko talking g about the fight. "I'm not the hero here. The hero is the newest employee of the miruko hero agency, The Demon hero, Lady Mystic! She poured her blood and sweat to keep japan safe. That's not something she can do in America where shes from. In America people like Lady Mystic and gang orca are treated like villains because of how they look. They don't get a second thought. They don't have the freedom to be a hero, they cant even go to the grocery store with out at least 2 police officers following them. If they do they get arrested on the spot. So give the credit where it's due! I'm not the hero. Lady Mystic is." As she spoke the miruko chants and cheers died off and there was an air of silence as miruko walked off. The news caster then spoke about how many people should think about miruko words and how she wished lady mystic a speedy recovery. There was a knock at the door as miruko poked her head in. "Hey. Figured I'd come ask you those questions. I brought some actual food...bit that crap the hospital serves." Kira Giggked before grunting "you put yourself through hell. What was that absolute demon attack you totally changed afterwards" she asked as she began taking out food. "It's not exactly an attack. It's more of a release. My quirk is called hellspawn for a reason. In America when I was little, I was a nightmare. Attacking my parents, breaking things. If you even looked at me I tried to rip your eyes out. So my dad taught me to seal it. The more freely my energy flows the less.....rational I am so I began wearing a necklace to help me focus on a point to gather my energy eventually it built up so much it became like a blood clot. But it was one I needed, by blocking the smooth flow of energy I became calmer and more reasonable. As I grew and learned how to use my quirk I learned how to harden and soften my energy at will." She said. "So you can control the energy flow." Rumi said clarifying. "Yes. "Absolute demon" is the weaker of 3 release moves I made. It softens the energy for me not to feel pain and increase my speed and strength moderately. I also become much more viscous and feral." She explained. "What are the other two?"  Rumi asked. "Absolute hellspawn is the second one. I become less aware of what's around me and feel pain even less. I also am even faster and stronger but my energy is also more dangerous, one move I have. "Requiem cannon" is like a blast from fire hose normally. But in absolute hellspawn it could eradicate a small house. Finally there's "absolute Death. I lose all reason. I cannot distinguish freind from foe. I get tunnel vision on my primary target and as soon as it's dead I look for a new one. I could have my arm ripped off and I would not even notice, I'd still try to use the missing arm and just get confused for a fraction of a second it's not there. I dont even use my energy based attacks besides my melee based ones. The only way to snap ke out of it is to render me unconscious, cuz I've hardened my energy so much it's a subconscious habit to do it when I'm out cold. I would NEVER use it when innocents are in my reach. But if I ever use it......my enemy can only pray they are skilled enough to kill me Cuz if not.....chances arent hi for them." Kira said as she finished her explanation. Rumi nodded taling every word extremely seriously as she  started feeding kira since she couldn't move very well due to her injuries. "You can leave the hospital tomorrow morning as long as you rest and dont overexert yourself." Rumi says. Kira smiles as rumi feeds her. This was definitely different than the bad ass battle hungry hero she heard about but she didnt say anything Cuz she didn't want rumi to hide this side again. "Dont get used to it. I just wanna be a good boss" she said blushing. "Yes ma'am" kira giggled

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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