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The moles. They have a secret. They hide. They hide stuff from me. Secrets they kept from me. They told me not to write in my journal. I write the lies they tell. I'm addict the moles give of an addicting smell. Psst. - day 988

The moles have a lab the moles Can time travel! -day 989

What where am I what's going on I was in my room and - day 1

Hey Elise go back to mommy and tell her I'll be back from the story at 5 - day 5,988

Please y/n the moles, the moles are out of
control the moles scratch the walls while at rest y/n the moles save me -day 1

Y/n the moles they speak they speak through there holes -day 2

... - day 455

I just want to go home I want to go home i want to -456

Your no supposed to be here. - day -1

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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