2. Horoscopes

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The car came to a screeching halt, a little too late so it seems, when a body slammed on Eliza's windshield and cracked the glass.

She sat there frozen, her heart beating wildly in her chest, hands shaking, too shocked to move.

When she noticed that the figure in the middle of the road isn't a product of her imagination, it was too late. The car vibrated as she stepped hard on the brakes. And then, as if it was a movie, everything happened in slow motion. The moment the man looked the car's way, how the people's eyes widen in horror, the amplified sound of rain hitting the pavement.

Maybe Eliza's assistant missed the part about taking extra precautions on her horoscope. Or that her life would change that night. Or that she's about to become a murderer.

And then the slow motion breaks into chaos when gasped and cry for help filled the silence. A tap on her window forced Eliza back into her senses.

"Miss, are you okay?"

No, she wanted to answer as her heart continued to hammer in her chest, but no sound came out of her mouth. The ringing in her ear became a splitting sound trying to break her skull. The back of her eyes burned and her vision blurred. The space became smaller by the second and the air thinner with each breath. Her mind went blank.

She already know what's about to happen. She's going to pass out and wake up in a hospital bed and she can't stop it from happening. So she let it. Too tired to fight a loosing battle, she closed her eyes. Going home was her last thought before she lost consciousness.

And long silver hair on her cracked windshield.

To be fair, it's not silver, it's 'the color of pearl', the man's mother used to describe it. He got it from his father, and his father got it from his grandfather. Pearls are a great deal where he came from. They have plenty of it, all kinds. And they treasure it just as much as they treasure everything else around them.

And although expensive salons could imitate the same color if an Asian woman paid enough money, no one could afford the natural shine to it.

"I don't know why he's punishing you like this. To live with the legged-people?" his sister complained on his behalf. "They're dangerous! With their boats and their garbage. Luca, they're going to kill you!"

You might think this particular sister is being dramatic, but let's be real, she kind of has a point. Some people are dangerous. And garbage is a big problem. The getting killed part is still debatable. After all, Eliza didn't do it on purpose and he's technically not dead. Yet.

And 'legged-people'? Why does that sound like a deformity? That's not how you refer to your own kind right? No. You don't go around and point at people and say 'see that two-legged over there? we went to the same high school'.

Luca looked at his sister. "I believe I have to do this, Blue. Just think of this as my vacation. I'll tell you all about it when I come back."

"If you comeback."

Luca fought a chuckle from his sister's stubborn expression. "I will come back."

"Promise?" Blue's face softened.

"I promise."

In hindsight, he shouldn't have made that promise with his sister. But how was he supposed to know that walking alone is dangerous? And how was he supposed to know he's going to end up in a bright room with sharp objects inserted to him? Or that the woman dressed in white holding a light to his eyes is not what his sister described as 'dangerous'?

Maybe his sister was right. It was dangerous and he should've been more prepared. Because 'legged-people' seems to not like him with his feet uncovered. Or the fact that he's half naked in a sea of layered ones.

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