Chapter two

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" You have got to be kidding me the kingdom of night does not exist "
" unfortunately it does and so do the four keepers of harmony and the prophesy and warlord Achmetha
you need to know that you are the one in the prophesy "
" that is impossible I am just a ordinary delinquent girl who has been told that one more offense and I'm going to military school because according to the government until my sister is found I belong to them "
" and yet you are not scared of walking into a forest full of who knows what and are heading in the direction of the last known location of the four keepers of harmony " Talon said smugly " ok fine you win Talon lets go " once they had traveled about two miles 1.9 miles after Asha started complaining about walking so far they ran into one of warlord Achmetha's border patrols " well well well what do we have here if it Isn't the little mutt who ran away " the leader of the patrol mocked then Talon bared wolf like teeth and his nails turned to claws but Asha spoke up " we are just passing thru no need to worry "
" fine then keep walking oh and mutt do tell Sophie I said hello " Talon then growled and he attacked the leader who was soon defeated with minimal injury to Talon but once the patrol fled the sun was going down and they set up the best camp the could with what they found and Talon caught them food as they ate Asha asked " hey Talon who is Sophie "
" she's my sister and one of warlord Achmetha's serving girls and that's worse than being a prisoner when I was still living here one day she came home and she had a huge gouge in her arm and the next day I went to warlord Achmetha and demanded he didn't hurt my sister anymore he however ignored me and had me attacked by his personal guards there were too many so I turned into a wolf and ran for it were I ran into the door and trotted in I soon founded myself in that room and the door closed behind me I tried to turn back into a human to open the door and go back but I couldn't so I started howling and eventually Lucy found me and kept me as a pet and eventually she got you and once you grew up and started getting into trouble and adventuring I knew you were the one in the prophesy "

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