Little Freak

355 48 17

I was thinking about who you are
Your delicate point of view
I was thinking about you
I'm not worried about where you are
Who you go home to
I'm just thinking about you

I knew I was right.
I could feel it in my gut.
I know you better
than you know yourself

A break.
A fucking break.
We're already on a break
for fucks sake!
Thousands of miles

I'm suffering.
You don't?

I'm angry at first.
Then sad.
I've been crying since Thursday.

Drowning my sorrows.
In cheap wine
expensive coke.

But I know
it's not the end of it.
We always find our way back
to each other.
I know that.

Maybe we shouldn't,
you know?
Maybe you really are
happier without me?

Maybe it's easier not to miss me?
You always do this, you know?
Push me away
when things get too rough.

I know you love me though.
I'm in your blood.
A part of you.

I pushed.
I know I shouldn't.
I can't help myself.
I'm an old broken record.
Making the same mistakes
again and again.

I know how you tick.
How to push your buttons.
I didn't listen.
Too consumed in my own fears.
I said some hurtful words.
Behaved like a kid.
Disrespected you.

For that
I'm sorry.

But you fucked up too.
You know me too.
You know how I get.
Can't be ignored.
Need constant reassurance.
I know I'm a handful.
A pain in the ass.

I'm gonna try
not to worry.
This time.

I'm just thinking about you.
Wondering what you're doing?
How you're coping with everything?
Can you sleep at night
or do you lay awake like me?

Do you miss my warmth?
The feeling of me weighing you down?
Or are you being occupied,
by someone else?

I can't be jealous.
We had enough of that.
Rips your soul apart.
For what?

I trust you.
I really do.
I'm just thinking about you,
my little freak.

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