The New Kid

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Name: Eren Kruger. Yeager

Occupation: First Time New York Detective, assistant of Captain Levi Ackerman, chief Detective of the 70th Precinct

Age: 23 years

Height: 6ft (post time skip eren look btw, man bun and all)

Weight: 181 lbs, 82 kg

[Eren Yeager's POV]

Today was the first day of my new life. New York City. This was it. After 5 years of training and preparation, I'm finally in the center of it all.

Originally, I planned to move to Detroit to help clean up the crime there. But I was personally hand picked by the secretive Captain Levi Ackerman. Why secretive? That's because he's been undercover for 5 years. He's been in and out of the biggest case in the word. He's dealing with the Paridis Mafia Family. They've been around since the 80's and have caused trouble everywhere they went. They've been settled in NYC for about 6 years now, but have been harder and harder to detect and rat out since most of the precincts are paid off by them. This city is corrupt, and I'm gonna help it recover.

My first stop when I got off the train was to a bus stop. After an irritating 2 hour drive with a screaming baby and a couple on top of each other, I finally made it to my precinct, the 70th.

I enter the gloriously air conditioned building on this 90 degree weather day. June is awfully hot this year. Can't imagine what July and August will bring.

"Hello there, how can I help you today?"

As I step towards the secretary's desk, she smiles and asks that question.

"I'm Eren Yeager. I'm here to meet with Erwin Smith. 4 o'clock." I muster.

She clicks away at her keyboard. She leaves a "mhm" if recognition and points toward the elevator. "7th floor, room 201. He'll meet with you right away."

"Thanks." I turn and head towards the elevator.

"201... 201... where's room 201- ah." After hopping off the elevator I finally spot the room and knock.

"Come in!" A deep and proud voice answers.

I slowly open the door and inch in. "Good afternoon, commander."

"Ah, you must be Eren Yeager." Erwin smiles and gets up to shake my hand.

"That I am." I shake his hand and sit as he motions me to.

"So glad to meet you."

"Like wise, sir."

"Now, I've read your resume and all your conditions have been met."

"I like to hear that." I smile and nod.

"As you know, the case you have been assigned is extremely dangerous. But, coming from a prestigious school, and graduating top of your class with astounding grades, I know this will be suitable for you."

"I like the way you talk. Though..." My smile fades. "I am to be undercover. Would it not have been wise to send me on a private plane and not a train and a bus?" I raise a brow.

He chuckles a bit. "That would've been the preferred and smarter choice. Except..." He meets my eyes. "We needed you to lie low from the beginning. There are eyes and ears everywhere. Even in this very building. Sending you on a private plan and car would have aroused attention and suspicion. That's why we made you seem common and ordinary like every other folk."

"Thought so. Alright. What about my place to stay?" I lean back in my chair.

"Secured." He hands me an envelope. "This is all the info you'll need for your home."

I accept the envelope.

I make my way to the apartment I was assigned to stay at.

I get out of the taxi and into the building. It was nothing fancy but nothing rundown either. My style, actually.

I unpack all my bags, and make this room mine.

It's now 9 o'clock after my settlement.

I look over the agenda Erwin gave me. My plans for tomorrow were brief. I would meet 'someone' at the Mariot Diner for breakfast at 8 am. I don't know who I'm meeting exactly, but he said when I get there, they'll find me and inform me. Erwin also said we are never to be seen conversing in public, and that I will no longer attend physical visits to the precinct. He will have these people I'm meeting with tomorrow lay out all the info.

"Consider them your partners" he said.

I set my clothes out for tomorrow. They consist of a jean jacket and white hoodie under, the hood overlapping on the back. Black pants to go with them to and magnum boots to finish it off.

Better get a good night's rest. You're gonna have one helluva life coming up.

[Admin's Note]:

Hey everyone! That's it for chapter one!!! I know not too much is going on, but trust me it'll get wayyyy better from here. After all this is just the intro. Anyways, I hope you like it. I try to be as realistic as possible. Thank you :)

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