Obama's Tiddies

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He hung up the phone to look back at Obama, he had a worried face filled with worry and he's very worried because he's worried about his son, Lamb.

Obama knew about the mysterious caller, and she's VERY evil. Evil because she is a vegan, a vegan that's so powerful that she might be able to beat Gordon with her army.

The thing is is that Obama had encountered her before, and was almost defeated. But he was saved by his best friend and husband who kept him safe and defeated her.

"I have to go." Gordon said, he went outside to call for his favorite son and picked him up.

"Where are you going?" Asked Obama.

"I'm going to go call the others," he says and takes Lamb into the arms of Obama, "You have to keep him somewhere safe, I don't want her to find him, he is my favorite :(((("

Obama nodded, "I'm going to miss you, call me when you defeat her and get back safety."

"Okay, just be careful wherever you're gonna go, if you get hurt I'll make sure to kill that woman." Gordon gave a kiss on Lamb and kissed Obama in a very INNOCENT way because they can't make out in front of Lamb.

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