Lost To Continue To Step

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( When you feel, like you need space from society and need to release stress hormones by just atleast, atleast! Once to Breath a fresh breeze not smoke. And when you do the same thing over and over again and everyday you fight for it.) Well... You're like me, I guess you're...

Stuck in a Circle, I tried to escape and feels the earth's flat,But once I walk at new path;A new discoveries' far from struggle

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Stuck in a Circle,
I tried to escape and feels the earth's flat,
But once I walk at new path;
A new discoveries' far from struggle.

I felt inlove... I found home,
A fresh breeze, A narrow stream with scenery of glee,
Dancing crowd of heavens; A sky of angels,
My despair has cleanse in' first glimpse of view, art at different angles.

A Green, dew falls from beneath my feet,
I climb from mountain to reach the sky from peak,
For a soft place to fall, when you're tired and tight,
But a glance of Northern light lend me to rise.

If only people could treasure nature more than the greed of their every word,
When you act clearly but every script are blurred.
World changes every second passes by;
Thy gifted in your own way, not to mislead a way.

God seals us into a nameless loop,
For our heart to pump to an endless desire,
Boundless gift with all hope;
For us to live with love and nature to be admire.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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