The Party

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On a beautiful day in Los Angeles there lived a lonely boy named Ian. Well he wasn't that lonely he had a wonderful and loving family, which consists of is mom, his dad and his sister Grace. But he also wanted a loving and caring partner. So he decided that he would throw a party and tell everyone in his school that if they wanted to come they could. The party was supposed to be on Saturday evening and a lot of people wanted to come. But they didn't only want to go there because of Ian some of them also went there because of his beautiful sister Grace. A lot of people liked her because she was pretty, smart, funny, friendly, cool and all in all a sweetheart. And that got Ian a little bit jealous. He loves his sister, of course, but there was still this part in him that got him angry because that. Why couldn't people love him like they love his sister? It was just unfair. At least that's what he thought. Anyways back to the party. He was excited to see who came, but he especially wanted to see one person. Willow his sister's best friend. He always admired her. She was just so adorable and beautiful as if she wasn't from his world. He thinks that he's in love with her but he's not sure, because there is also this boy Nathan. He is just worth to be admired. He was just absolutely stunning. Maby he was in love with both of them. Well anyways, he wanted everything to be perfect for this party so he asked Grace for help and she surprisingly agreed to it. He didn't only throw the party because he wanted a partner, no, since prom was in a few months he wanted to find someone to go with. But back to the story. Since everything was supposed to be perfect he also asked his best friend Tori for help. So now him, his sister, his best friend and his parents were working on preparations for the party. It was currently Friday so they still had one day left. When they got finished they all went to bed. But Ian couldn't really find that much sleep he was just too excited. Eventually he managed it to fall asleep at about 1 a.m. . In the next morning he started searching for a decent outfit to wear. Meanwhile on the other end of the hall Grace was in her room on a call with Willow and they were both discussing what they should wear, because they had both no clue how they should style themselves. Eventually they all found an outfit and were now ready for the party. Soon all the guests started to arrive. As soon as everyone arrived the party started. They all started to dance, eat and to drink. Ian talked to some of his friends and then went looking for people he didn't knew so he could introduce himself. But sadly there weren't that many new people there.

Soon he went outside to go look if there were any more people. Eventually he was also searching for Willow and Nathan. But no one had to know that, not even his sister. While searching for more people he also went behind the house to see if there were any. Well in the moment he went behind the house he saw something that he didn't expect. He saw his sister and his crush making out behind the house. He was just so shocked. No it wasn't Nathan it was Willow. He was standing there and was just so shocked that he couldn't move. It was as if he was rooted to the ground. He was just standing there in shock not being able to move and watching Willow and Grace make out. Eventually he finally managed to move and he ran away while sobbing and crying. At one point he felt himself bumping into someone. He apologised quickly and when he looked up at the person he noticed that it was Nathan. Nathan looked really worried and asked:" What happened why are you crying?" Ian just couldn't answer it was like he didn't have a voice anymore. Every time he tried to say something he always started to stutter really badly. Nathan was whit him all the time and calming him down even though he had no idea what was going on. Eventually Ian fell asleep and Nathan carried him into his room. He laid him into is bed but since Ian was still holding onto him like he was drowning he had no choice but lay besides him. The party just went on without them. In the next morning when Ian woke up he felt a pair of warm arms wrapped around him. When he looked up he saw Nathan smiling at him. Ian went bright red. Nathan asked:" And? Did you sleep well?""I did but why am I here, Why are you here and how did I get here?" Ian asked. "You ran into me crying, after that you fell asleep so I carried you here. And I'm here because you didn't let go of me." Nathan explained. "Oh my God, I am so sorry!", Ian said panicked. "Oh don't worry, its fine. But why were you crying anyways?" Nathan asked. "Oh umm, well I saw my sister kissing one of my crushes." Ian stuttered. "Oh well that sucks are you doing better now?" "Yes I am thank you" "No worries". "Well who is your other crush anyways? Maby you have a chance with them." Nathan said. "Well uhmmmm" He looked up at him and Nathan looked at him. "It's you he whispered," In that moment Nathan pulled him down to him and kissed him. Ian kissed back of course. The kiss was very soft and loving. After the kiss they both looked at each other. Both of them bright red. "I love you!" Ian finally broke the silence and Nathan answered almost immediately:" I love you too!" After that the kissed again. Nathan than looked at him and asked him:" Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Ian nearly screamed yes and threw himself on top of him. Now, you're probably wondering what happened to Grace and Willow? Well I will answer that now. They weren't just best friends they were dating for quite a while now and were very happy with each other.

                                                                                           The End

                                                                                          1083 words

I hope you like my first oneshot. Well anygays I want to try to write some more if I have time

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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