Heading out

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"Uhg" getting up out of my bed I throw on an outfit (up above/sorry if you don't like it, feel free to think of a different outfit design )and walk out of my room. As I walk out of my room I am greeted by my best friend and best member, Shira. "Ready to go boss? Or are you forgetting something?" She looks at me with a giggle.

Ah right my hair! Stupid, stupid bedhead.

I rush back into my room and quickly and painfully I drag my brush through my hair and shove it back into my bag. She looks at me with a smile and  turns around to walk away. As she does I hear her murmur "hm, you really are always a mess."
" I heard that you know." I replied to her annoying little comment.
" Oh no whatever will I do, please forgive me." She says  sarcastically
I just give her a small chuckle in response and we head out.

As I walk to the dock leaving with Shira. I need to go to get a hunters license and She made her point clear to me that she wanted to come with me when I said that. The only reason I'm getting my license is to meet up with Chrollo.

Of course this year he decided to pick an area to fight that only hunters could get too. That jerk. Nonetheless I heard that the hunters exam was supposed to be hard so I'm kind of excited to see what challenges that they can come up with. I also might meet a few other people there that use nen!

But I guess we can't have anymore people come because I already informed him of who would be coming this year and he has taken the liberty of boasting the events this year. Classic Chrollo though, always trying to do everything himself. I guess he really hasn't changed in the past 5 years.

As we walk onto the ship I look around. These guys are pathetic. They really think that they will pass . "I bet you 100,000 Jenny that none of these guys will pass."I whisper to Shira, she just chuckles and responds with a nod.

As we walk over to the other end of the deck I hear somebody whistle as I walk by. I throw him an annoyed glance but as I do that his head falls off his body. I whip my head around to look at Shira, I throw her a death glare and she looks down. I hear her murmur under her breath a 'sorry boss.'

We walk over to the other side of the deck. I climb up on the side of the ship, leaning against the wooden pole on my right. As I start to drift off I start to think about them. It's been a while sense I've seen mother and father.

No, stop thinking about them y/n, I'm at peace. I just wish I could see little Illumi again.

Time skip

"Mmmmmmmm" as I open up my eyes I try to blink out the bright sunlight reflecting off the water. Fully starting to comprehend my surroundings, I look around to see a little black spikes haired kid getting on board. All of the people on the island are clapping and cheering for him. As I watch him peer over the boards and shout at the crowd

"Bye everyone, I'm going to get my hunters license to become the best hunter in the world!"
I can't help but laugh a little at the kids inspirational speech to the people on the island. Some of the annoying men on board start to yell at the kid, sometimes about him making the hunters exam looking like a game and that he wasn't fit enough.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed

"Tch, leave the kid alone, he'll probably crush all of you in the blink of an eye." I shout out at the men. Shira just shakes her head in understanding. Something about those men being rude to the kid made my blood boil. I hate guys like that, they think can walk all over people just because of appearances.

I hop down from where I was sitting and start walking with the kid to the upper deck , Shira going off to do her own thing. As we walk I learn that his name is Gon.

'He's such a sweet kid and I'm sure he'll make an amazing hunter.'

He starts to get distracted and look behind me. When I look around I realize a storms coming .
"Ah don't worry about it Gon, it's no-"

He's gone? I look around, my eyes looking in every direction, just to spot him up on the little pit on the top of the ship. He yells out something and as I start to look around I look at some of the "tough men" starting to look pale and sick.

'Tch, pathetic, they can't even handle a smaller storm like this. They are not fit to become hunters.'

As everyone including myself starts to make our way into the lower deck areas to avoid the storm. All the men around me are starting to pass out and fall sick. Better luck next year I guess.

By the time the storm has started clearing up there are only five people left including myself. There is me, Gon, a sandy yellow haired looking teenager, Shira ,and, an older man, probably in his mid 30's.

Gon is over in the corner helping a sick man who appeared in a bad condition, the blonde was reading a book of sorts on a hammock while the older man was sleeping. I was over in the corner reading a book while Shira played with her nen.

AN: sorry if that was bad, it's my first book and it's 2:10 am, where I am Lol, I'll update soon I promise! :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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