Chapter 22

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Travis POV

I ran a hand over my face feeling along my beard as I walked towards the mirror examining my facial features very obvious that I need to see a barber so I'll be linking my bredren neil in a few.

I decided to call him so I dialed his number and he picked up on the first ring

" Yoo waah gwaan?" I say

"Aye nuh seh a word,mi a stop by in a couple minutes from now suh just deal wid weh yaah deal wid" I say ending the call.

It's now minutes after 4 in the evening when I checked the time.
I've been very busy for most part of the day getting some documents sorted out since I'm currently working on getting my own business in place.

I grabbed my keys locked up got in my car and drive out.

I was about fifteen houses away from mine when I stumbled upon this girl name Tracey that I used to like, I was literally crazy about this girl and tried many times to get her but she rejected me every time so I gave up.

I haven't seen her in a long time now. She looks even better than how she looked the last time I ever saw her. She looked as if she was in a rush waiting to get a ride as she waved her hand out signaling for passing cars to stop. I drove slowly as I got closer to her.

She hold her hand out signaling for me to stop so I pulled over rolling down my window.

" Travis" she exclaims looking surprised when she saw that it was me.

I smile briefly.

" Yeah man a me" I say

" Where you heading to? I ask.

" I'm going in the town " she replies

I unlocked the passengers door on the front allowing her to get in and drove off.

What a day when man like mi stop mek

If it was some man they'd drive right past her but I won't hold grudges over things like that.
I got a little curious about her whereabouts taken that I haven't seen her for so long..

" Haven't seen you in a while" I said looking at her.

She smiles.

" I'm not really around like that anymore" she answers

" Oh I understand" I stated

" Car nice ee" she said looking around examining the interior.

"Yours wright?" She asks

"Yeah man all mine ,thanks" I responded

She ran her hands on her lap massaging her thighs.

"So how's things going with you? Haven't seen you in a while either" she says

" Things good right now enuh " I say

She looked at me lustfully running her hands up and down my thigh opposite her.

"So I can see you again?" She asked causing me to laugh because to me it seemed too funny.

"What if I told you I want you, do you have someone right now?" She asks

" I infact do, " I stated remembering all those times I was trying to get her now she wants us to be something all of a sudden.

"Well she doesn't have to know anything about us" she said rubbing her hands over my crotch startling me.

I see clearly now that this girl is just plain materialistic she wanted nothing to do with me when I didn't have a car now she wants to be all over me.

I see now why she never want me

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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