music and colour

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Arista walked along the grey sidewalk of the city. You could think of the world being in grey with how awfully dull it was. The throng refused to move as she tried to push her way through, any exits blocked by groups of people carrying suitcases and tapping their feet or chatting away with friends or acquaintances.

She barged past a few people before she picked up a tune. It was a lone violin playing a melancholy melody and suddenly, Arista felt an unexpected sadness wash over her until the notes built up to a dramatic crescendo and broke into a jaunty song. The violinist sprouted into colour and grinned, playing even louder, and out of nowhere, some more musicians (also in colour, looking joyful) came and added to the tune. She nodded her head to the beat and smiled, letting her consciousness drift and be consumed by the enticing liveliness of music. Arista reopened her eyes with a new purpose ignited inside her and she somehow slid along the path, making people jump to the side.

She twisted and turned, the dynamic song playing, constantly changing in her brain. Her movements spread the colour ever further, encouraging more music and various shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink and more. Arista launched up the office buildings, concealing the dreariness with a fresh coat of excitement and ecstasy. Pausing at the top, she looked down on her work and gazed into the horizon, inspecting the areas she hadn't yet seen.

Halfway through her journey, a figure with a jolly face and seemingly made from rogue splashes of colour joined and steered her through the city. She took off down a street, splattering hues of magenta, lavender, mint and arctic blue everywhere, also awakening the people and transforming their colours into more human ones and they wandered hand in hand.

Not a single colour was used twice and different, exquisite and intricate patterns blossomed under Arista's feet as she glided along the city, giggling and smiling at everyone she passed. All this had happened due to one little tune: happiness had been released from its cage at last and Arista could live out her life in peace and jollity.

Once the deed was done, she beamed up at her work and resumed her normal morning commute to work.

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