high school tips ig

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the summer before i started high school, i used to read tips in the spams of people i followed as a way to calm/prepare myself. i'm currently about 3 weeks away from graduating high school, and i thought it would be fun to make one myself.

1. be confident.
obviously, this is easier said than done. but honestly, nobody in that school is better than you. no matter how much they believe they are. not even the upperclassmen. no matter the situation you're in, ever single one of you gets up in the morning to get to the same building. you're equals.

2. be prepared.
i recommend getting binders, notebooks, pencils, pens, high lighters (yellow especially!), eraser, glue sticks, ruler, protractor, and a scientific calculator.

3. be respectful.
to everyone, both the students and staff. again, you're not better than anyone.

4. bring headphones.
this appeared a lot in the tips i read when i was younger. and they were right. independent work is so much more fun with music. they are also really useful if, like me, it takes you a while to make friends. don't forget to make sure your teacher allows it!

5. study!
don't blow off your classes. but also, you don't have to stress yourself out studying. find a balance that's right for you. and, if you're thinking to yourself, "i don't know how to study," that's fine. i don't know anyone who does. i recommend doing your homework, taking good notes, and using reviews if they're provided.

6. bring your own devices.
if you can. it's not absolutely necessary, but it definitely helps.

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