Like I promised

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Express your feelingsbefore it's too late because life is shorter than you think.

Trust me :)

Meet Aidan and Jenny...

Like I promised.

The ringback tone was kept ringing out on the other side and ended up with her high-pitched voice saying, "Hey, it's Jenny! Can't talk right now. Leave a message.".

I sighed, closing my eyes in exasperation while my hand still held the phone in my ear. Then, I went ahead with the same message I had been repeating for the past half hour. "Hey, Jenny... Where are you?" I threw my head backward in desperation. "It's 7'O clock. In case you forget, we need to complete the assignment. I do not care if you call me a nerd again. If I am gonna lose my grade for this, I will accept it as an invitation to kill you."

I collapsed into the sofa and threw the phone aside. Looking up at the ceiling, all I can think about is her. Jenny, my best friend, my classmate whom I have known since I was a toddler, and my secret love that she has never gotten a grip on. I got a crush on her since we were in middle school. The feeling of fear was stronger than I thought, which made me reluctant to express my feelings to her. There was a time she told me she does not believe in so-called Love. I often stopped myself from saying that because I didn't want to lose her from my life.

At least she is with me now.

She had dated a lot of guys at school and every time they broke her heart, she ended up crying on my shoulder. I was a painkiller for her, a protector, and a strong best friend, and she was my comfort zone, a freedom space, and there are a lot of emotions that I could not express about her. Around her, I was being myself. I think that is a great quality about her. She does not judge people by their looks and will free to give them a second chance.

The bell rang loudly, which made me startle slightly. I rush to the door to open it, and I had this hope in my head that this would be Jenny. If this is her, I swear I will kill her for not answering my calls. The force I put on the doorknob was enough to find out the anger inside me. I threw open the door to see her standing outside with an apologetic smile on her lips. My anger washed away the minute my eyes met her. I know I could not resist her. Her hair was messy and dripping wet, her eyes were heavy like she is on the edge of hitting the sack, and her face was pale and tired. And to add insult to an injury, she was all soaked wet, and the blue hoodie she was wearing was glued to her body.

"Hey, Bestie." Her pleasing smile got wider.

"Don't Bestie me, Jen!" I said as I crossed my hands and put back my angry face.

"Calm down, Aidan!" She pouted. "I am here like I promised."

"Where have you been?" I look out for her car and looked back at her when I could not find it near my site. "Where is your car? And why are you soaking wet?"

"My car broke down on the street, and it was raining." She shrugged. Even though the answer was not convincing, I just nodded. "Are you not gonna invite me in?" One of her eyebrows flew up with that question.

I did not mutter a word and move aside, so she came inside with a cocky smile. Both her hands were tightly crossed across her chest, and she was trembling slightly. I shook my head and went to my room, then opened and took a towel from my cupboard.

"Why you didn't call me back?" I asked as I held out the towel to her. She snatched the towel from my hand and begin to gently blot her hair. She turned her head upside down, running her fingers through it, and she gave me a quick glance.

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