Diversity Hire

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UGH. If Demi Lovato wasn't currently hobbling through the cobblestoned streets of her college town - excuse her, law school town - then she would've fully cursed while walking outside. But the law field was such a small world that there had to be some attorneys around that would certainly raise their eyebrow at her cursing the sales associate at Nordstrom for selling her pointy toed heels. There were just some shoes that were not meant for walking and these were one of them. And the thing is, she could literally see the parking garage in the distance. She couldn't remember exactly where she parked her car but she knew it was in there. And the sun was starting to set and inside of the garage was dark enough that no one would be able to see if she was barefoot, right? Right.

Deciding that she had simply had enough for the day, as soon as she entered the parking garage she made an attempt to take off her heels but that was easier said than done, especially since she was trying to hold the pamphlet that they had shoved in her hands, her keys, and her phone. She literally wanted to scream as she tried to keep her balance while also getting rid of the torture devices on her feet.

"Hey, let me help you!" She heard from behind her. Great, now she was going to get mugged. Demi released a low groan as she felt someone's arm around her, allowing her to steady herself as she finally got a heel off.

"Thank you, but the only thing I have in my wallet is a maxxed out credit card so if you're trying to rob me, you might want to find someone else," Demi said, accidentally digging her nails into his arm as she grabbed onto her other heel.

"I'm not trying rob you. I just noticed you struggling. You coming from work?" The man asked, and Demi was so busy trying to rid herself of her shoes that she didn't even have time to look at him. All she knew that was he smelled exceptionally well. Expensive and fresh.

"No, just a networking event. I'm a law student and networking is everything but everyone knows that they only have these stupid events to lure you in before basically working you to death. And they all put on a front, especially with how they dress. I'm wearing Calvin Klein yet someone in there was in open toed shoes as if that's what they actually wear to work. Not to mention how they only have these events to target diversity hires to meet their yearly quota," Demi sneered, because she truly had had enough.

Maybe this delicious smelling stranger shouldn't have been on the receiving end of her usual "law school is an elitist scam and I can't believe I'm putting myself through this" rant but after a few mock tails and soggy pizza at the most awkward event that she had ever attended in her life, she couldn't help it. By the time she finished her rant her shoes were off and she could finally stand up straight and release the stranger from her grasp.

"Well from one diversity hire to another, nice to meet you. I'm Jesse Williams," and then he outstretched his hand and Demi knew that she was fucked. Because she knew that name because the director of the summer associate program had spent the last two hours apologizing for the fact that their partner wasn't in the office, that partner being Jesse Williams.

"Oh..." Demi breathed out as she stood up straighter, slowly shaking his hand with her hand that wasn't holding her recently discarded shoes.

"And you are...?"

"Marissa Callahan," Demi breathed out, but she could tell he wasn't buying it.

"Your real name?"

"Demi Lovato," Demi honestly answered with a little bit more confidence.

"Nice to meet you, Demi. I'm sorry that I wasn't in attendance at the event tonight. I got caught up in court," Jesse apologized but Demi quickly shook her head.

"No, you're a partner I'm sure you have much better things to do than mingle with potential summer associates," Demi said, because she really just wanted to get out of there and get back to her car. She was standing barefoot in a parking garage, after all.

"Most of the time our summer associates become full time associates, so I enjoy mingling with them."

"Oh..." Demi breathed out. Damn she was not killing it today. She was sure that after he told the summer program director about this experience they would be tossing her application out.

"But thank you for your feedback on the event. I'm sure you'll be hearing from us soon." And then he winked at her. The partner at the law firm she wanted to work at the most winked at her and then walked away to his car. What. The. Fuck.

This is a DRAFT. I'm on a small break and thought I would post a few more of my drafts.

Rules Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora