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It's been a week since Zulu's lawyer came about the will. I didn't even open the letter,I don't even want
to think about it, I mean why would he write me a letter? Apologising for the way he's been treating me?
Telling me a truth about myself? Or To cause more pain in my life,more than he already caused? Why
would he be such a coward? Why didn't he tell me what he wrote in the letter himself? Those were the
questions I was left with. Sometimes I miss Mduh but I'm the one
who chased him away  because of the ,"you have to eat", "stop worrying yourself","do this for yourself and the baby"
"Bulie take it easy...blah blah blah." I bet he's the one who's calling me right now,I mean he's calling for
the fifth time today, can't he get the message already? I took the phone and answered, "this better be
important for you to keep calling me even when it's clear that I'm ignoring your call", yeap that's how I
answered,not even a hello.
Mduh :"Hey, sorry I was just checking up on you,are you okay?,I'm worried about you Nombulelo"
Me :"As you can hear me talking Mduduzi I'm fine ." I said dropping a call.
Whoa,why am I being rude to the only person who've been there for me? Why am I shutting him out
when he only wants to be there for me? What did he do to me? I found myself picking my phone and
texted him. "Mduh, I'm really sorry for the way I've been treating you, please come so that we can talk." and
sent it.


I just wish she could trust me,tell me what's on her mind but then she doesn't want me anywhere near
her. It's been a week since I saw her, that's when she told me about a letter from Zulu's lawyer.You
know,let me just let her be alone when she decides that she needs me,she will call me. Now let me wake
up and bath, maybe afterwards I can go and check on a family business. Well,I guess now it's time I fully
introduced myself.
I am Mduduzi Buthelezi,32 years old. I came to Pietermaritzburg when I finished Grade 12 but I'm
originally from Empangeni. My family is known for being "RICH", that's one of the reason I came here, I
just wanted to live a normal life,being treated normal like anyone else and I've been doing fine just like
that,I didn't go to study so, I'll just work like others,and not being their boss like my dad wanted me to.
I came from the shower, lotioned my body and wore a pair of tracksuits,tekkies,took my bag and packed
my clothes. I'm going home today,I wonder how are they going to react when they see me.It's been a
long time but we've been communicating though. Except for my sister,the one who came at the hospital
when I was with Bulie,I see that one almost everyday because she's studying at UKZN.
I finished packing my clothes,took my bag and walked towards the door.Yeap that was  me leaving
Pietermaritzburg and going to start afresh at home.That'  me leaving the love of my life alone because
she's shutting me out of her life. Thinking about her, I tried to reach for my phone on the pockets but
I couldn't find it, Oh I didn't take it,then I had to walk back to the house and took it,l  was planning on sending her text,a goodbye
message,when I was about to,I saw a message from her,apologizing...

It became clear that I was nolonger going back home now that Nombulelo is talking to me again,I'll just have to find
something here. Talking about her,I went to her house and found her sitting on the floor, talking about a
total mess,yes that's what she was when I found her,she was even pale, seemed like she haven't been
taking a bath. I opened all the windows and went to run her a bath then carried her to the bathroom
and left her there,I literally cleaned the house. After that I cooked her a porridge when I finished and
went to check her,she hasn't come out of a bathroom.
Me :"Are you still okay there?"
Her : "I'm dizzy, please come and help me."

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