Tony walks into the room, with a cup of coffee in his hand. He checks that all Avengers are there and starts to talk „Hey guys, I got some special news for you". Thor is already interested, he loves surprises. „We're listening Tony" Steve says. Tony begins: „Natasha met an old friend from the red room. She's really good and will arrive tomorrow. Please be nice". Wanda got a big smile on her face „Oooh thats so cool, whats her name?" she asks, still excited. Natasha turns around to her after looking out of the window „y/n y/l/n. She was trained and raised in the red room, like me."

Bruce Banner walks in. „Hey guys, what are you talking about?" he asks while cleaning his glasses.
„Natasha met an old friend who will arrive here tomorrow" Clint explains to him. „Oh nice, whats her name?" Bruce asks. Clint wants to answer but Thor is very excited so the words just come out of his mouth: „y/n y/l/n and she was trained in the red room like Natasha and Tony says she's really good, so basically we're all expecting the best i guess!" he looks over to Clint, who looks a bit pissed since he wanted to say that „Oh... sorry Clint, i'm just so excited" he says with a smile.

„Steve? Could you prepare a room for her? I would do it but me and Banner got Stuff to do in the lab, sorry" Tony asks. „Steve? Steve I'm talking to you" he says a bit angry.
„Yeah I'm listening, sorry. Yes yes I'll prepare a room." Steve answers and leaves.
„He's acting weird since the last days" Vision mentions while entering the room through the wall.
„Agree" Tony responds and turns around to leave.

30mins later,
Steve pov:
I walk out of the room to get y/n's room prepared. I walk past the trainingroom and see bucky aggressively boxing, I knock at the doorframe and he turns around. „Hey Buck, haven't seen you in 2 days, are you okay?" I ask him since I am very worried. We got him out of Hydra and he has most of his memories back.
„Yes, thanks. Just needed some alone time" he replies, trying to smile.
I know he has nightmares but he won't talk about them with me, he likes to handle stuff on his own. I have to accept that, but it still makes me sad that he doesn't want to talk.
„We're getting someone new tommorow. Her name is y/n, she's a friend of Nat" I tell him.                              He grabs his stuff and walks past me „Great i don't care, see you".
Maybe he just needs more time its been only a few weeks.

The first free room is between Natashas and Bucky's rooms. »Y/n will be happy that she can be next to her friend« i think. Bucky said he didn't care so he will probably also not care if her room is next to his.

I walk in and open a window and put on the bedsheets. As i look at my watch it's already 8pm, so I go into the kitchen to see whats for dinner. Sam, Tony, Bruce, Natasha and Thor are sitting at the table, talking and eating pizza. „Aaah look, the fossil is coming to dinner" Sam says and the other ones start laughing, including me, i love his jokes. I sit down and take a piece of pizza as i notice that Thor is looking at me, obviously wanting to ask me something. „What?" I ask and look at him
„Eh I just wanted to know if James will ever show up again we haven't seen him in days, do you know if he's okay?" Thor answers. „Yeah he's fine, he said he needed some alone time" I say.

I finish dinner and go to my room, as I pass Buck's room I knock at the door. I only get an annoyed „what?" as answer so I step in „Are you hungry?", Bucky is laying in his bed, reading „the Hobbit", shaking his head. „Fine, if you get hungry later, pizza is in the fridge" he nods his head and I want to turn around as I see what he's reading: „Bucky are you serious? You read that book a hundred times" I laugh. He doesn't answer, he's already in his world again.
I close the door and go to my room to go to bed.

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