The next morning, Steve walks into the kitchen. Natasha, Tony, Clint and Bruce are sitting at the table, talking about y/n. „Morning guys" Steve says „who's gonna pick up y/n later?". Natasha shakes her head, „sorry Steve, Clint and I got a mission" she looks over to Tony and Bruce „What about you guys?" „Sorry Nat, Bruce and I are still working on the project in the lab" Tony answers. Steve checks the fridge for breakfast while saying:  „Ok I will pick her up then".
„Thanks Steve. We gotta go now" Natasha replies and stands up. She stops in the doorframe and turns around „Steve? take Barnes with you or he will disappear for days again".

10 minutes later
Steve enters the trainingroom, already knowing he would find Bucky there.
„Bucky? We have to pick up y/n from the Airport, go get ready" he tells Bucky. „Why do i have to come? I don't care about it." he replies, taking off his shirt so you can see the scar between his metal-arm and his skin (And his six-pack lol). Steve rolls his eyes „yes Bucky you have to. You are always alone we wouldn't even notice if you die"
Bucky laughs and says: „yeah thats true. Ok fine but let me shower before". „Yes you better do that!" Steve replies while turning around to leave. Bucky walks past him and punches his shoulder „Shut up Rogers" he says and walks to his room.
15 minutes later
Steve is looking out the window while drinking his coffee (he's old, old ppl do that) and waiting for Bucky. Bucky enters the kitchen „Steve can we go? I have better stuff to do than picking someone up". Steve looks at him and puts his cup in the dishwasher „Like what? Reading the hobbit for the thousands time?" he says. „Yes, maybe?" Bucky answers a bit sarcastic.

Steve and Bucky get in the car and drive to the Airport to pick up y/n. Steve puts on the radio and "the other woman" by Lana Del Rey is playing. Bucky nods his head and looks over to Steve: „I like that song. Who's the singer?" he wants to know. Steve keeps looking at the road „Sorry Buck, I don't know".
They arrive at the airport and get out of the car, Steve looks around a bit and sees a Woman with shiny y/hc (your haircolour) hair and a huge suitcase, he looks over to Bucky and back to her. Bucky understands and they walk towards her. Y/n saw them in the second they start walking, waiting for them to go in her direction. Steve stops infront of her and wants to introduce him self: „Hi my name is Ste-" she shakes his hand and finishes his sentence: „Steve Rogers, Captain America. I know, nice to meet you" she looks over to Bucky: „And you must be James?".
He looks at her with a straight face and replies: „yes, thats me. Can we go now?" He turns around and walks away.

Y/n pov:
The three of you sit in the car, driving back to the Avengers-Tower as Steve turns on the radio.
"Why'd you only call me when you're high?" by Arctic Monkeys is playing. I sit in the Backseat start to moving my head to the beat. „Hey Steve? Turn the volume up, I love that band!" I say. Steve turns a volume up and I keep moving my head to the beat.

20mins later:
The car stops and I get out. I look up at the building and look back to Steve „That building is HUGE" I say with a smile.
„Yes that's true" he giggles „let's go in"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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