post prologue + onyx + lara

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•post prologue•

Dinner was a disaster. Onyx tried to take long slow breaths as she gazed at the city lights from her bedroom balcony. It was a cool evening, the slight breeze making her shiver. Beyond the light, the sun was beginning to set, bathing the city in different shades of orange.

This was supposed to be a perfect night. But  everyone's frustrations had decided to make an appearance and ruin the peaceful family dinner their mother had planned.

Onyx felt bad for her mother, even if it was just a little. She had put so much work into cooking the food - something she hadn't done since the... incident. And then all her sisters had decided to be brats.

To be fair, she was also a brat herself at dinner but she didn't dish out all her frustrations to her mother immediately she took the first spoon.

"Ugh." She groaned, walking away from the balcony to her room. She plopped on the bed, staring blankly at her ceiling.

"I should apologize." She said to no one. But her mother would need space right now. Speaking to her mother right after she upset the woman would not do the both of them any good.

"But still..." She trailed off. Huffing, she stood from the bed and made her way to the master bedroom. She knocked on the door and waited. No answer.

She slowly opened the door and saw her mother in her nightwear, flipping the pages of her Bible.

"Mummy." She started. Her mother did not look up from the holy book.

"Fiyinfoluwa what do you want?" Mother said dryly, stressing the full name.

"It's Onyx!" She snapped. Her mother looked at her blankly.

"I gave you both names, I choose to call you whichever one I want."

"So annoying." Onyx huffed in a whisper before freezing, turning to look at her mother. Her mother just stared back at her for a while and resumed reading the scriptures.

Onyx rushed out of the room quickly and shut the door. Her mother's reaction was definitely very strange.

"Why did I do that?" Onyx whispered to herself. On any normal day, her mother would have picked a cane the minute she opened her mouth to talk back. But this was not a normal day anyway.

Onyx sighed. It was a really bad idea to talk to anyone now. The death had left them all scrambled in the head.

She made her way to her room to get some well deserved sleep.


Lara was literally bored out of her mind. She was scrolling through Twitter idly, not really interested in the hate that the app had to offer. Her eyes fluttered over the first few words of each post and she mindlessly scrolled down to the next.

'The BBN Shine Ya Eye Housemates reunite...'


'Massive school shooting in the United States, 19 found dead...'

Sad... Scroll.

'BTS' V and BLACKPINK Jennie's dating rumours...'

Already seen that.

'Late billionaire, Henry Fagbenro is survived by...'


"Wait, what?" Lara asked no one in particular and went back to the article. She already knew about the death of the popular billionaire but nothing had ever been said about his family.

She clicked on the link and soon after, a colourful page appeared with a short article about the family of the man she hated most.

• • •

Nigerian Billionaire Henry Fagbenro was murdered on the 4th of May 2022 in his office. According to our sources, his burial was as silent as his shocking demise.

He is survived by his wife, Janet Fagbenro and seven daughters named Agate, Jacinth, Beryl, Chrysolite, Onyx, Sapphire and Diamond Fagbenro . Pictures attached below.

A few days ago, on the 4th of July, JC Chambers, his affiliate law firm, released some of the main clauses from a copy of his will. It stated that the executive office of his main company, Nexus Tech. will be handed over to his wife, Mrs Jane Fagbenro. She will oversee all the other subsidiaries.

Mrs Jane gave a public statement at her official inauguration which stated that the executive office of Nexus Med will he given to her first daughter, 26 year old Dr. Miss Agate Fagbenro.

His twin companies, Nexus M and Nexus IT will be handed over to his second twin daughters. 22 year old Miss Jacinth Fagbenro, a Master's Degree holder in Business Administration will take over Nexus M and Miss Beryl Fagbenro, also a Master's Degree holder in Software Development and Engineering will take over Nexus IT.

In addition, each of his daughters have a 10% share of the company while his wife has 30% shares in the company. Meaning that even his youngest daughter at 13 will be making 152 million naira a year...

• • •

Lara scoffed in disbelief. She didn't care about all the money he had or whether his 13 year old was already a millionaire.

Henry Fagbenro was a wicked man. She had learned that from personal experience and she would be damned to let anyone convince her otherwise.

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