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General Info:

Name: Maya
Age: 18
Species: Robot
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality + Appearance

Personality: She tends to be kind and obedient to her creator, she will do what ever they want her to do

Personality: She tends to be kind and obedient to her creator, she will do what ever they want her to doAppearance:

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Likes: Her Creator, Music, The Internet, Plants
Dislikes: Water (scared of it)
Hobbies: Dancing

Crushing + Relationship

What is their type?: Someone who doesnt care for her appearance as a robot
What is their Love Language?: Quality Time and Acts of Service
What are they like when they have feelings?:  She tends to overheat alot and will do more for their crush
What do they not want in a partner?: Someone who wants to destroy her to study about her
What are Their Redflags?: She can get too clingy

Extras: *(All is Optional!)

Power(s): She can search anything instantly and basically do anything a computer can.
Backstory: She had started off as a computer program created by her creator for a university project, soon her creator made a body for her so she could be a human
Felix (Creator)

(If NSFW allowed)*

Have they done it before?: No
Turn ons: virgin
Turn offs: virgin

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