1 "Ghostly Friend:) "

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A younger girl with mint colored hair with icy blue endings who looks about 7-9 years old is seen laughing on the green grass in what looks to be a big garden full of all types of (safe) flowers with a teenager who seems un healthily snow White pale.

The teenagers appearance is pink and purple colored hair with a black tip on the front of his hair, wearing a hospital gown, with what seems to be marks or tattoos on his face, hot pink colored right eye and an eye patch on the left eye, and what seems to be horns and a tail.

Floating above the little girl laughing along with her.

"You're really funny mister __? __ ! " the girl laughed

"I am? Well then that makes you the cute one dear __?__" the boy booped her nose

"No I'm not" she huffs her cheeks
"Mister __? __ is a liar! "

"But I'm not though! You are cute! " he says now squizing her cheeks

"Your honesty is the size of your brothers life span" she then covered her mouth immediately

"... "

"Sorry Mister __? __, was it too mean? I was just being honest. My sisters told me honesty is the best policy. " the girl started apologizing

"No no no no it's fine, I was just shocked that's all" he waves his hands signaling he is fine

"Oh ok then mister __?__! " the girl excitedly jumps

" Mister makes me feel old and I'm not even old! Just call me by my first name" the boy complains

"Okay then mist- I mean uhhhh" she then thinks hard

"What? " he asked

"... " silent she goes

"Don't tell me you forgot my name already"

"... " her face sweating bullets looking away slowly

" I just told you 2 minutes ago! "

"Sorry... " she says facing him again lowering her head

"Haaa.. Its okay, kids your age make mistakes a lot so it's understandable" he facepalm

"Soooo what's your name again? " she asks hands behind, toe tipped

"Haaa... It's Benjamin"

"Then hello Benjamin! I will reintroduce myself once again, I am the great Glacie! Third daughter of the great Milanor Household" she boosted, happiy boosting about her great family

"Well then hello Miss Glacie, it's a pleasure to meet you" he says sarcastically which Glacie doesn't notice and bows to her playing along

"Miss... Hmmm I like that! Yes call me miss Glacie! "

"Whatever you say miss"

"Glacie dear! Time for lunch dear! " a woman can be heard yelling afar

"Yes mother! Sorry Benjamin, I have to go now I'll talk to you later? "

"Sure go you need to eat to grow anyway" he waves as she starts to fade from a distance, running to her mother.


A aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa someone please tell me why I'm writing this at 1-

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