Little brother

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This story was inspired by a Youtube channel called Etra chan saw  it 

I walked down the street in the rain with my head down. I don't know where I was going, I was just letting my feet take me where ever they wanted, I didn't care. I've been through a lot and I didn't want to think about anything. You may be wondering what happens that allowed a 16-year-old girl to get to this point. It all started when I was born.

10 years ago

I never had a father. He died before I was born in a car accident. They were on the way to the hospital. The other car hit my dad's side so she died immediately, but my mom went into labor earlier than she was supposed to. We lived with my grandparents for a while, then once I was in school my mom got a job then we moved out once we stapled enough.

Life was fine, I had what I wanted and needed. But one day when I was 6, my mom came home with a surprise. "Casey, this is Mike and his son Andre. Mike is my boyfriend," mom told me. At the time I didn't know what that was. Mike walked up to me and kneel down to my level. "Hey Casey, your mother has told me a lot about you, I hope you'll allow us to be around," Mike said with a smile holding out his hand. I didn't know what was going on, so I just took his hand and shook it.

After that, the two were around more. Sometimes just for dinner, other times to take me and my mom out. After a while, I started getting used to their presents. Mike's son Andre who was 10 years older than I was like a big brother I never knew I wanted. He was always so nice to me, and even snuck me some snacks when I was in time out, or picked on me for random things. It was like we were a big family. When I turned seven my mom announced she and Mike were getting married. I was overjoyed.

The wedding was so cool. I was a flower girl. After the wedding, things only got better. I thought that was going to be it, I finally had a father and an older brother as a bonus, and life was perfect. But... it all changed a few months later.

I came home from school to see, my mom, holding a little boy in her arms. "Mom, who's that?" I asked. The little boy flinched. "Sweetly please speak more quietly," mom said. I looked at her in confusion. "This is Joshua, Nick's other son," My mom explained.

My mom told me a brief story about what happened to him. After Nick and his Ex-wife got a divorce because she cheated Josh the younger son was in the custody of his mother who was a baby at the time. But it turns out the Ex-wife was beating Josh and starving him along with her boyfriends. Andre went over one day and saw the status of his baby brother and his living situation and ran away with his brother.

After a few days of court, he chocks finally life with us. I'd be lying to you if I said I didn't cry when I heard his story. I walked up to him to try to comfort the boy who was probably scared out of his life, but when I tried he flinched at my touch. "It's ok sweetie, let's just give him some time to get used to us first," my mom told me, then walking away to another room. He seems to like you just fine, I thought. It went on like that for months I'd try to engage with him but he'd either flinch when I talk or run away to Mike, Andre, or occasionally my mom.

I started to feel a disliking for him and it didn't help that whenever I talk about it, they say something like "he's still getting used to you" "he's just shy" or "you need to be more gentle with him". But everything went down the train when my birthday came. Since Josh was doing better they allowed me to have a birthday party. I was so happy, my first birthday with my... new family.

Everything happens when they were singing happy birthday. Everyone started singing to me, it was the best I'd felt in months since he arrived. But once my uncle was about to light the candle-shaped like an eight, Josh started freaking out. "Ahhhhh! NOO!" He started screaming and shouting. My parents tried to calm him down but it was no use.

Nick pick him up so we could continue, but even if that did happen the mood was ruined. But Josh was holding onto the table cloth. So when he picked it up he took everything on the table with him... even the cake. Everything went silent. I looked in horror at how everything, yet again was ruined by one little boy.

I just stood there looking at the sloshed cake on the floor. "Casey..." I trailed off. "Casey it's ok, we can just get another cake really quick and-" I didn't want to hear her speak, so I walked away from her as she tried to touch me. I walked up to my room and locked myself in there for the rest of the day.

There was no getting along with that boy, so why try? After that day I stopped trying to get along with him, and slowly I, as the years went by, drifted apart from everyone one else. When I was 13 my oldest "brother" was going to move out since he was 21, graduated college, and has a good job.

I felt a little sad that he was leaving, out of everyone under this roof he was the only one e I still had positive feelings towards. But everything else good in my life left me years ago, it was only a matter of time before he did too. I didn't even see him off.

After he left it was miserable to be in the house. I didn't even eat anymore because all meals had to be together as a family. I only ate lunch at school and snacks at home. I don't even then they notice.

It wasn't until I was 16 that they had enough of me and snapped. I'd just got back from school and they met me at the front door. "Casey... family meeting now," My mom said sternly. I sighed and met her in the dining room where Mike and Josh were waiting for me. I sat down and there was silence.

"We'll? I have homework," I said. Nick sighed. "It's about your behavior," Nick said. "Did I do something bad?" I asked. "Not necessarily, we've been talking for a while, and we're finally ready to talk," mom said. "Why wait so long?" I asked. "We didn't know what to say to you, and we thought you'd outgrow your anger towards... us.

I sat back in my chair. "So?" I asked. My mom and Nick looked at each other then took a breath. "We do t like how, you've been acting, and we want you to stop," Mom said. "We know on the day of your birthday what happened was my fault, I should have been more careful, and even at a young age I should have thought more about you when everything was changing and been honest to you and your mother about Josh but, these feelings are unacceptable," said Mike,

There was a long pause as they watched me...waiting for my response. I stared at both of them with a blank face. "Ok," I said simply. They both looked at me in surprise. But I still looked at them with a blank expression. "Anything else?" I asked. I looked over to where Josh was. He looked nervous but he was trying to keep a straight face. I stood up and walked back to my room. "If that's all I have homework," I said getting up and walking to my room.

I didn't look back after that. And once everyone was asleep I snuck out.


Now I'm here. If you're wondering why I left it's simple I didn't want to be there. I've been angry ant them for so long, I've missed family gatherings, and sunned my birthday, and became 10 pounds under my healthy weight, and now they want to step in and be parents? Please. I didn't take much but warm clothes and all the money I've saved up from all my family members give me for my birthday and Christmas. 

I don't plan to go with family, I might just find a cheap apartment that I can pay off with a minimum wage job.  I wanted to wait till I was 18 so I could finish school but... plans change. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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