Chapter 6: The Talk

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When the elevator doors open, Jungkook runs past Taehyung as if he were running for his life. In his attempt to escape, he even accidentally hits him on the shoulder, but Taehyung remains frozen in place, looking at him in confusion. Jungkook has no time to turn around, no time to explain.

In the end, he disappears into the restroom again. Who would have thought that one day this would be a sanctuary for him? He locks up behind him and gasps for air, this sprint has left him quite out of breath. is he going to be able to face Taehyung again?

He just ran away without saying stupid this whole situation is. Did Jungkook mess up? But he couldn't risk the farmer seeing him in that state. That was close...very close. Jungkook winces as he suddenly hears the door slam.

"Mr. Jeon?"

It's Taehyung and he sounds worried. He actually seems to have run after him.

"Mr. Jeon? Are you all right? What happened?"

Jungkook's lips twist into a gentle smile. It's a nice feeling that the farmer is worried about him.

"Mr. Kim. I'm sorry."

Taehyung follows the voice and knocks on the toilet door several times.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to get help?"

"No, don't worry."

Jungkook is beyond help, his heart threatening to explode, and Kim Taehyung's sweet, caring demeanor doesn't make it any better.

"The stuffy air in the elevator bothered me, and then this nausea came out of nowhere. I thought I was going to throw up, so I had to hurry."

"Do you want me to stay with you until you feel better?"

What a question, Jungkook never wants Taehyung to leave. Just staying by his side is enough for him to be happy.

"Please don't go."

It's a real shame that Jungkook doesn't get to see Taehyung's grin at that moment. And so, the two men stand alone in this small bathroom, back to back, separated only by the door. So close, yet so far away.

"Do you want to take a little walk with me? You'll feel better in the fresh air."

Jungkook isn't at all averse to this suggestion. A walk is even nicer than drinking coffee together. Somehow...more private? Just the two of them...a nice thought.

"I like the idea. I feel better already...a little."

"I'm relieved, really. I was worried."

Now he's even spoken it, the corners of Jungkook's mouth pull even higher.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine ... thanks to you," Jungkook whispers the last three words unconsciously, though they were supposed to be in his head.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. I'm coming out now."

Jungkook opens the door and looks deeply into Taehyung's eyes. Even if he was really nauseous, that look alone would have been enough to make him forget any pain.

[Yeouido Park]

Yeoudio Park is located right in front of the Gucci building. It's a small and cozy place that at least brings a bit of green to Seoul.

 It's a small and cozy place that at least brings a bit of green to Seoul

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