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"Now that we have introductions out of the way, we have a case in Colorado," Hotch said. 

We all nodded and everyone started to file out of the room and head to the plane. I walked behind everyone just taking everything in and listening to their conversations. 

"Hey, where's your to-go bag?" Emily asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, I totally forgot mine, I'll just buy some things when we're in Colorado," I said.

She nodded at my response while I made a mental note to prepare a to-go bag. We walked together to the tarmac where the jet was. I  briefly scanned around for an empty window seat as I boarded the jet. Taking my seat, a certain tall figure sat in front of me. 

"Hi there, Spencer. What do I owe the pleasure?" I said smiling.

"Hi," he said sheepishly. 

"So tell me about yourself," I asked him.

"I hold three Ph.D.'s in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering. Three bachelors in Psychology and Sociology," he said so calmly. 

My jaw was on the floor at this point. My parents would've been so proud of me if I were to accomplish that. 

"Holy shit," I said.

"I can read 20,000 words per minute and I love coffee and Star Trek." 

"You are incredible Dr. Reid," I smiled at him.

"So what about you?" he asked.

"Well, it's nearly not impressive as yours but I graduated on top of my class at John Hopkins with two degrees in criminology and medicine," I responded, mentally giving myself a pat on the back for what I accomplished. 

"That's very impressive Lisa," Spencer responded. 

"Why thank you, it's an honor coming from a genius," I said while blushing. 

For the rest of the flight, Lisa and Spencer talked about their lives. In their own little bubble, the rest of the team smiled at each other knowing that these two were going to get along very well. 

Once the jet touched down at La Plata County, Colorado, Hotch informed that he was going to send two agents undercover to investigate an alleged child abuse case in an underground cult.

"Reid and Leong, I'm sending you both in," Hotch announced.

Spencer and I nodded in response. 


Spencer and I were in the back of a car listening to a recorded tape of a young girl.

"He comes into my bedroom and lays with me. He says it's God's will. I'm..I'm only 15. And I'm not the only one. Please help me!" 

Hearing the recording made my heart drop into my stomach. 

"Tell us about the 9-1-1 call," I asked Nancy Lunde, the female officer that was driving us to the location of the cult. 

She said that she believed the "he" the young girl referred to in the call was the church leader, Benjamin Cyrus. 

"Benjamin Cyrus, no criminal records. No records at all, really. 

"Great." I gritted bitterly. 

"It's rumored that he's practicing polygamy and forced marriages." the officer said to us. 

Spencer and I found out that Jessica Evanson was most likely the caller because she fit the age profile, but the officer wasn't sure so she negotiated an interview with all the children. 

"I bet that couldn't have been easy," I said to her.

"It wasn't, I don't know how I even managed," she responded. 

As we were pulling up to the location, I handed Spencer his fake badge and gun and said, "Well considering their views on outsiders, it would be best you don't introduce us as FBI. Just use our real names and introduce us as child victim interview experts." 

Spencer and I both looked at the window and looked at each other. We both didn't know what to expect and it was my first time being on the field and not only that, undercover. Fresh out of the academy and undercover on my first day. 

"You ready?" Spencer asked.

I took a deep breath and nodded. 

All of us hopped out of the car and the officer asked for Benjamin Cyrus.

"You found him," a man sitting on the church steps responded. 

Nancy introduced herself and he got off of the steps and walked toward us.

"Savages, they call us. Cause our manners differ from theirs." he recited.

"We didn't come here to hear you cite scripture, Mr. Cyrus." Nancy sternly said. 

"Actually it's Benjamin Franklin," Spencer said correcting her.

I had to cough to stifle in my laugh.

Nancy introduced Spencer and me as Chid Victims Interview Experts.

"How far from God's word must we have strayed for there to be the need to invent a job called Child Victim Interview Experts?" Benjamin questioned us. 

"We wish we didn't have to be here," I responded looking at him in the eye. 

Nancy and I walked towards the school where Benjamin pointed that the children were going to be. I turned around to look for Spencer and saw him walking with Benjamin behind us.

It's going to be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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