Babysitting Service with a Really Cool Name (Trademark Pending)

489 7 3

Little: Basil

Age Range: 1-3

Ships: None

Warnings: The Hooligans (I have no clue if they count for a warning but just in case these loveable idiots make someone out there uncomfy), Swearing (C'mon guys it's the Hooligans), More Omori parent slander, Excessive Babysil cuteness, Brief mention of Sunny being selectively mute (more of a headcanon warning, I guess, so people don't attack me in the comments for saying that something isn't explicitly canon.)


Aubrey breathed a sigh as she knocked on Basil's door, the rest of her gang (dubbed the Hooligans by Lord-knows-who at this point) inspecting random flowers that the gardener kept around the front of the house.

In her arms, Charlene (Or Charlie, as she preferred), held a basket with various treats and gifts and a card from all six of the teenagers. A short amount of time had passed since Sunny's confession in the hospital, and the boys had recently been discharged. Aubrey had been able to catch Sunny before he left, sorting everything out with him, though she still hadn't been able to face Basil to fix things with him. Luckily, though, she was presented with a chance to do so when Charlie said she wanted to visit Basil.

The rest of the Hooligans had obviously known about his and Sunny's hospitalization (they'd even given Sunny a cactus with a poorly spelled 'get well soom' note attached), and felt terrible for the poor gardener, especially since they hadn't gotten him anything. So they'd all collectively decided to pool a bunch of gifts together for him as an apology for the past four years.

Strangely, nobody came to answer the door when Aubrey knocked. It didn't seem like Basil's caretaker Polly, was home, but Aubrey could see a few lights on, so Basil had to be home. She tried again, a few of the hooligans turning to give her quizzical glances, now apparently tuned back into the task at hand.

When nobody answered again after 10 minutes, Aubrey tried turning the doorknob. She wasn't actually expecting it to open, but when it did, she'd just decided to use the logic that Hero, Kel, and Sunny had used on her shortly before the hospital incident; 'Door's open? Walk right on in because why not?'

The hooligans didn't question their leader as they followed her in, deciding to keep quiet and follow along in a single file line.

"Uhh... Basil? You uh, you here bud?" Aubrey called, not finding the boy in question in the living room or the kitchenette off in the far corner of the room.

She lead her gang into the hallway, pausing to look off to the room on the far left, holding out a hand and shaking her head when Angel and 'The Maverick' took this as a sign that Basil may be in that room. The other five looked at each other quizzically, but Aubrey gave them a quiet "I'll explain later" as she mentally paid her respects to Basil's late grandmother. Angel and The Maverick simply shrugged and obediently fell back into the line they'd formed going in. They let her guide them to Basil's room and stood outside as Aubrey knocked gently on the flower boy's bedroom door, so as to not startle him more than they already knew they would after just entering his house out of nowhere.

When they still got no response, Aubrey started to worry. The last time this had happened, she, Kel, and Hero had to break down the door while Polly called an ambulance in the middle of the night. She decided not to risk this happening again and quickly (but still gently) opened the door.

She gave a small sigh of relief to see Basil curled up in his bed, the steady rise and fall of his figure reassuring her that he was simply asleep, though she did have to do a double take when she saw something she hadn't expected. On closer inspection, the sleeping boy had a pacifier in his mouth. Granted, it was hard to see due to the fact that Basil was curled in on himself facing the wall, but Aubrey was certain that it was in fact, a pacifier.

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