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"Don't you dare go out that door!" Maria yells as she tightly grabs the wrist of her youngest sister, trying to protect the foolish young girl from going out on another night filled with drugs, drinking and partying.

"You don't fucking own me you're not mom!" Selina, the younger sister mentioned before yells back at her eldest sister, releasing herself from the tight grip her sister had held her in

"I know I'm not mom okay! But mom told me that I was supposed to take care of you when we came to America!" Maria reminds her triggering Selina to remember that her -mother had sent her and her 3 sisters here for a better life and that hers was simply wasting away as she partied and drank. However, Selina simply brushed of the feeling and walked right out the door, making sure to slam the door of the small apartment behind her. Making her way down the stairs of the complex, she hops in the red car of her partner in crime, Yabella Cortes. Yabella though only 20 has a rap-sheet longer than Santa's nice and naught list combined and a pure appetite for chaos and trouble. Because of this, Yabella isn't really much of a good influence for her good friend Selina, hence the reason why Maria didn't want her sister to go out in the first place, because she knew the drill, go out, party, get wasted, and don't come home until 6 in the morning leaving her sisters to wonder if Selina had made it through the night. But to their avail, she miraculously comes home every morning, hung over and ready for more hard partying. Even though they tried everything they possibly could, they still couldn't find a way to stop her, so in the end, they finally gave up on her and let her do her own thing. They haven't stopped her since that night. Until today, of course. Today Maria tried to stop her because she had found out that Selina was going to a concert. But not any old concert, a concert of an in her heavily catholic eyes, a satanist band. An evil heavy metal band that would corrupt the already damaged mind of her younger sister. So to her, this was Selina's final straw. Not the drugs or drinking, nor the partying, but the concert. And with confronting her about it came Selina's urge to rebel even more. So of course, here we are now, in a car on the way to a KoRn concert on a warm June night.


Selina looks out the window longingly with eyes filled with sorrow. She didn't like her current conditions. Living in an LA slum full of immigrants and bad stereotypes really sickened her. She didn't imagine living in the United States like this. She thought it was like the movies, with a big house and glamours celebrities. She thought she could do everything and anything she wanted just like her mother told her as a kid. But Selina now knows that they are all lies. Mexican immigrants aren't really treated that well. Given only the shittiest of homes and the minimalist of human respect. And even though this was the fate of most people who immigrated from Mexico, Selina wanted more. She wanted money, lots of money and a big house in the suburbs. But she doesn't want to get it the traditional way of hard work and sacrifice, no, she wanted to get her money by other means. In a way that meant she didn't really have to do any hard work. And that way, for a lack of a better word, was though being somewhat of a prostitute. Trading sex with famous men for expensive clothes, shoes and jewelry. It wasn't something she liked doing, but she did it in hopes to one day find a guy who will take her and make her his own, rescuing her from her poverty stricken life. But she knows her dreams are too far fetched. No rich man would want a poor immigrant from Mexico. Well not a sober rich man.

"Selina, SELINA, Estás ahí?" Yabella ask waving her hands in Selina's face to catch her attention

"W-what I'm listening?" Selina stutters snapping out of her self-loathing thoughts and back into reality

"We're here." She smiles as she turns off the car and opens the car door

Selina still trying to refocus, follows her, finally stopping by the ticket booth to hand in and certify their tickets. Selina isn't pleased by this. To her, this is just a waste of precious time. They where already 10 minutes late, why make them even later? These angry thoughts finally ceased when they allowed them into the extremely loud concert hall, full of screaming fans. The feeling sinks into her. She knows what she's going to do tonight and she not the least bit proud of it. In fact, she's disgusted by herself. But in the end, she knows what she has to do to achieve her American Dream. Even if it kills her in the process.


Hi. Please tell me if the narration
Is good because it's my first time doing 3rd person.

Thanks, Anayla🐐

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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