Worth A Shot

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Dedicated to: @FakeName because I think she is hilarious with her Evan obsession, go follow her!

Alright, on to the story now :)


Writing Letters

Chapter 18: Worth A Shot


Hey now, smart ass, the show is going by really fast so the days blur together. Don't get on me just because I can't remember the last time I wrote you was! Remember, we don't date these (Which we should) so if this ever happens to you then watch out! Not to mention dates would be nice so that then you can tell exactly when I'm sending this so if it gets sent out all late you know I said OH MY GOD YOUR BIRTHDAY IS IN 2 WEEKS (1 now) TOO?! Yeah, a boy just used caps lock, deal with it.

Really though, I just got your letter and as always I read it immediately so when I saw that I rushed to my closet in the middle of lunch to come and write you. That being pointed out you better be grateful I am actually skipping a meal to write this. Be happy despite the glare I am sending you via this letter because at least you can get in your happy birthday to me too! Also, I'm too lazy to add this into it's own paragraph, it's pronounced A-SAP never AS-AP (Sounds like az-app and I totally did not say that for 5 minutes straight nope not me).

Thank you for understanding that I have a really busy schedule. A lot of the time my friends get mad at me because I won't text them updates for a month or so, ungrateful twats. Don't say stuff like that! Who knows, maybe if we really do win this (I'm being legit serious right now) we'll end up doing a tour of the states then, finally, we can meet. I really truly, honestly, with everything in me, want to meet you! Call me cheesy but I think it'd be amazing to do something like in the books, right?

It's not that I forgot I think it's more that I thought you would be more chill considering you knew that I knew them. Also I vaguely remember telling you that they all knew about you so I guess I figured you would be all relaxed on the phone. Considering Harry likes you well everyone did find it cute how you were like "oh my god, I'm talking to One Direction someone pinch me I must be dreaming!" on us. (Picture me saying that like a valley girl ;D) No worries, it's good to stick up for yourself a lot of the times. Zayn wants to talk to you too, something about how "unfair" and "upsetting" it was that everyone hogged up your time.

Did Amelia just admit she talks about me... a lot? I'm sensing a stalker side of you coming out, maybe I shouldn't keep talking to you it might be bad for my well being. For all I know you could be dropping these letters off everyday saying your someone from over seas. It's very possible you creeper!

Don't hate on my writing skills, I wasn't exactly good in English class so hush up. I was only curious as to why you wouldn't tell your friends about me 'cause talking to a soon-to-be star is pretty big but I understand now. I am a bad boy, I be making girls drop to the floor as soon as I walk by *collar pop* you know I'm a pimp ;). Alright, enough of the bad boy that might just fuel on your friends unique minds. I beg to differ on your 'girlfriend material-ness' okay? You are a very sweet and funny girl who deserves the best. I don't know a lot about you but I know you shouldn't get anything but the best so don't put yourself in the mud. The pond would be a big factor here, good thing were on a friend basis or else this would be rather awkward.

No we write our own fan mail and act all surprised when we get it. Of course we already have fan mail! We all watch out for each other although nobodies got their heads in the clouds as of yet but more stuck in patch of roses. All we ever do anymore is act like little girls at all the compliments and "I love you" things we get. It's amazing really. Your friends kind of hit a home run for us though, with the whole fan thing I mean. I can only imagine how they look and react when watching the video diaries, I mean that, I honestly cannot picture anyone going crazy seeing us sit on a staircase talking. Okay well maybe Louis is a huge benefactor to that but that is besides the point.

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