Chapter Three: Hard Times

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Ichiro realized too late the dire mistake he had made. There was no guarantee that Hideo could be trusted, so by letting bitterness take over and casting Kumiko aside, he had only put himself in a more perilous situation than before.

The only thing that brought him comfort was his lack of knowledge of Yukari's whereabouts. It was immoral, but if he strung Hideo along with false hope, there would be a chance of delaying the unpleasant fate awaiting him in the Underworld.

After all, that was where people went when they died, and since Ichiro had been separated from his physical body, it only made sense for him to be taken there.

And so, he glanced fearfully at Hideo while knowing that his future lay in the balance. They passed one of the horseless metal carriages that sped around during the day, and he clenched his fists.

You have to stay calm, he tried to convince himself. You can still win this day...

Hideo suddenly stopped, which caused Ichiro to flinch. Pity returned to his companion's face, and he felt inclined to reject it until the unexpected reached his ears.

"I know you claim to be all right, but there's still something I think you should hear."

Ichiro frowned and crossed his arms. "What do you mean? You know nothing about my life-"

"Actually, I do," Hideo rebutted. "Have you already forgotten our earlier conversation?"

"I..." Ichiro could offer no argument, so he resigned himself to whatever the older man wished to say. "Never mind. Talk away..."

Hideo tugged at both sleeves as if preparing to undertake a laborious task. Then, he cleared his throat and began to speak. "I cannot claim to speak for your wife, nor do I know what's happened between you two, but I have been stricken by grief before."

Ichiro raised his head. "Really?"

"Yes," Hideo answered after giving a heavy sigh. "I lost my wife and son in the Kantō earthquake, then Yukari too, twelve years later. You could say that I went mad because I stopped caring for my own wellbeing, and each day, I welcomed the possibility that it would be my last."

Ichiro was shocked by this revelation. He'd been tempted to deceive Hideo earlier, but now he wasn't so sure. The man genuinely seemed to want to see Yukari again, just as he yearned to return to Kumiko's side and forget all about their past misfortune.

As a gesture of sympathy, Ichiro reached out to pat Hideo on the shoulder, only to have second thoughts when the older man spoke again. "But, I don't wish to bother you with too many details of my past. How do you plan to lead me to Yukari?"

"Uh..." Ichiro put on a sheepish smile and decided that he would stall for time instead of telling outright lies. "That's a good question. We last met at her house, and the strangest thing-"

Hideo frowned. "You have no idea, do you?"

Fear overcame Ichiro at being caught out so soon. He let out a nervous laugh, knowing it was better to find amusement in his situation. "What? Why would you think that?"

"I can see it in your face. Your eyes plead for help whenever I mention my daughter's name."

Ichiro felt his knees grow weak. He really was in trouble now, and the only thing left to do was beg. He threw himself at Hideo's feet as one might do with another of higher status. "I'm sorry! Whatever you do, please don't take me to the Underworld. This place is torture enough already!"

Hideo stared down at him like he was crazy. "What are you on about? I have no intention of doing that."

"You don't?" Ichiro abandoned his helpless act and raised his head, unsure whether to believe his ears.

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