Bigger Than Who?!

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14th March 1966
12:43 P.M.
Cynthia demanded that I would have to wake up earlier than I usually would today in preparation for Maureen Cleave coming by to do a quick celebrity profile for the press. I was a little afraid to have her come to our home at first because she has known us since The Beatles performed at the Cavern, and I didn't want to make a bad impression on her after all these years.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to allow her to come to view our home and interview me since she just went to Paul's house last week to talk to him as well.

Currently, I was mindlessly reading while sitting comfortably on my chair next to the fireplace after I just woke up from a nap. I flipped through pages of Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carol, while Julian carelessly rammed a toy fire truck back and forth against the hardwood floor.

I honestly had forgotten to turn off the television set, but Cynnie let me have it before I could get up to turn the switch off.

"John, you know I don't like for Julian to sit so close to the screen like that. His eyesight is bad enough." Cynthia placed her pale hands on her hips with a pouty expression.

"M'sorry, love. I must've forgotten it was on after I dozed off. I honestly don't pay any attention to it."

Cynthia kissed Julian on the forehead and ruffled his hair before she calmly turned off the set.

"Has Paul phoned yet?"I questioned as I laid the book down on the window sill beside myself face down.

"Not that I know of. Usually, he would by now."

"I think he's packing to go to Switzerland tomorrow with Jane, remember?" I leaned my back onto the chair and kicked my feet up onto the wooden coffee table. I reached in my trouser pocket and grabbed my cigarettes accordingly as the doorbell buzzer echoed throughout the house.

I retrieved a cigarette and lit it with a match when Julian squealed with excitement. According to Mimi, the little bugger fucking had more energy than I did at his age.

Julian galloped behind Cyn as she made her way down the long hallway towards the front door. I didn't bother getting up quite yet as I puffed on my ciggie comfortably.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my Calico cat, Jesus, peaking out from behind the orange, velvet chair I sat on. His pupils widened, he meowed, and jumped onto my lap desperately for attention.

"Ello, little one," I chuckled under my breath as I pet his soft fur accordingly as he pushed his head into my bare arm, purring loudly.

"Oh! It's so good to finally get to see you again, Maureen! Come on in, John is waiting in the den." I listened to Cynthia greet our old friend happily as the front door slammed shut when she walked inside.

I could hear Julian giggle in a high-pitched voice as Maureen spoke to him. "It is wonderful to be here! Hello there, you must be Julian?"
I guessed Julian was being quite shy when I didn't hear him reply to her. He was quite cheeky nevertheless, just like I was.

I chuckled under my breath as Jesus jumped off of my lap to curiously trot towards them in the front of the house. Thankfully I was able to stand up and stretch as they made their way toward the den.

I could hear Maureen gasping in awe every few seconds as my wife guided her through the hallway until I met eyes with them when I yawned uncontrollably.

I noticed Jesus literally laying down on her feet as soon as they entered the room. He soon sped out of the room when I glided through the den up to greet our guest accordingly with a cigarette still in my mouth.

"How are ye doin', Maureen? It's been a long time, yeah?" I smiled as I put out my cigarette in the ashtray on the coffee table below me.

"How are ye doin', Maureen? It's been a long time, yeah?" I smiled as I put out my cigarette in the ashtray on the coffee table below me

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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