Chapter 2: paint, glitch and a bundle of thorns

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"So, whats your favorite au?" Shadow asked glitch, who looked at her a little surprised, "what? We rarely talk anymore since you got that little sister of yours, I want to know more about the new you."

Glitch hesitated as the duo made their way through the antivoid, "am i really allowed to have a favorite au? I mean I'm error's daughter, his abomination, his crime against humanity."

"I don't care who your dad is, silly. I care about you, the you I saw when you were looking at the stars in outertale, the you when you made your first puppet, the you when you got your strings ability." Shadow smiled at her.

Glitch looked up at the sky once they entered the world, looking at each of the bright glowing dots in the sky. "This one, this is my favorite"

Shadow smiled at her friend, taking in the shining of her red and blue eyes. She went through quite the rewrite. She managed to get her hands on her old design, but she preferred this one, this is the one life was given to after all. "Tell me about malfunction, she seems to mean a great deal to you." She said softly, glitch looking at her a bit.

"I love her, I would gladly give my life to protect her. She's my little sister, I would go anything to keep her happy and safe." Glitch said, putting her hands in the pockets of her jacket vest.

"Then stay alive." Shadow said suddenly, catching glitch off guard.

"What?" She asked, Shadow looking at her and tilting her head a bit.

"You just never know what may happen. I mean your mental health also isn't the best soo, just be careful. We care about you." Shadow smiled, but glitch just gripped the insides of her pockets.

"Yeah, sure." Glitch said slowly, Shadow taking the lead as they searched through outertale.

"Well this thing is stronger than star, but that's not really a surprise." Shadow said, glitch looking back at shadow who was staring out her window.

"Bit snippy today?" Glitch asked, Shadow looking back.

"I-i didn't mean to sound rude," Shadow said quickly, "I just mean she's a kid, she's bound to be weaker!"

"But that raises the question, what would this thing want with star?" Glitch asked, her eyes glowing slightly, but Shadow was still looking out the window.

"Who knows what the Shadow would want with star?" Shadow said.

Glitch immediately used her strings to restrain Shadow as she quickly turned and tried to charge her. She glared at her, her strings tightening around her.

"Who are you and what did you do to Shadow?" Glitch asked.

She heard a dark chuckle slip from her friend's mouth, her voice mixed with that of a masculine presenting voice, "I'm surprised that you're not pleading for your friend to fight against me, that's how this usually go with posssion." This mysterious person taunted.

"I know Shadow is strong so if you've taken over, it's already too late for her." Glitch said, holding her tightly.

"You're smarter than most of the groups I've encountered." They said.

"Mind if I ask you a few questions?" Glitch glared at them.

"Go ahead, but I don't promise to answer them." They said, their voice shifting to shadow's, "hope you don't mind if I use your friend's voice, I always have preferred female voices to my own."

"I actually do mind quite a bit." Glitch glared, them just shrugging in response, "you mentioned that the Shadow has star. Is that you or someone else? Do you go by another name?"

"Just call me the Shadow, my real name isn't important." The Shadow said.

Before glitch could ask another question, she felt someone drag her down through a portal by her hood. She looked up as she saw the black shadow of a blade passing where she was. The person who grabbed her grabbed her by the arm, dragging her up and taking off running.

"Rose?!" She exclaimed as they ran, glitch being able to keep up with her with the help of her holding onto her arm.

"Run now, explain later!" Rose yelled, jumping with her through a portal, crashing onto the hard floor of the woods.

Glitch groaned as she sat up, looking around, rubbing her head. "Where are we? What's going on? Rose, where are the others?" She had a million questions for the supposed missing person. They both were breathing heavily and she now took a moment to take on rose's messy form. Her dominant arm was wrapped in dirty and bloody gauze, her hair was in a loose ponytail, stray hairs sticking to her face, she had a bandana wrapped around her neck, a winter coat, a small side bag, and he clothes just looked dirty and stained.

"They're looking for people to take over. They managed to find one for the Shadow, but they're going to be looking for other." Rose said and she stood up, looking around, before taking out a shattered device. "Shit, portal device is busted."

"I can just make a portal to where we need to go." Glitch said, but rose walked over and grabbed her wrist, holding it up as her eyes widened in horror. Her veins looked black.

"He poisoned you. We need to find a place to get this device repaired and we'll need to find a way to get that posion out of you." Rose said.

The pair made their way through the woods. Glitch opened a file, struggling to do so, probably due to the posion. "Rose, you didn't take us to an au or an at. You took us through time. Where did you get that device from?" She asked.

"Taylor." Rose said and glitch face palmed.

"The time traveler." Glitch muttered, but quickly was snapped out of it, "wait, was Taylor kidnapped too?" She asked and rose nodded.

"She knew I was next to be tested." Rose said as they look up and down the busy streets, putting their hoods up. "If the person isn't compatible with their entity, they'll die."

"So that means all the people that were kidnapped are at risk for dying?" Glitch asked and suddenly she froze, her breathing picking up, rose turning towards her. "O-oh God, i-I told him about malfunction. She could be in danger. no no, I won't lose her, I can't, I won't-"

"Glitch, glitch breath," Rose said, kneeling down so she could see her, "we're not going to let anyone hurt her or anyone else, but we need to get help, we need strength and numbers." She helped guide glitch through some breathing to get her calmed down, they continued walking. "I know where we could get some help, or at least find a place to stay.

The pair walked through the city before finding a house and rose walked up, glitch following and she looked nervous before taking a breath and knocked on the door. They heard shuffling before the door opened.

"Dad, we need your help."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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