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Loud roars of cheering filled the beach. Lola mentioned that this was a small get together, but as expected more people came then who were actually invited. It was almost like someone leaked a celebrity being at the beach, and fans who heard came swarming in.

I sat in a beach chair next to Lola, we were taking in the sun, enjoying the many drinks that were brought to us, it was strange we didn't ask for someone to keep bringing us drinks. "Hey where's that cousin of yours?" Lola lifted the pair of sunglasses from her face, pushing them into her hair. She just noticed he wasn't here? I pushed mine down to look at her before pushing them back onto my face "Oh he wasn't feeling good." I smirked.

"Aww that's too bad, I was looking forward to getting to know him- I think I'm going to talk to those guys over there" Lola got up. Why was she interested in Bellamy, he was nothing but an annoying turd Marlin hired to stalk me.

It took me some time to slip away from Bellamy's side earlier, it wasn't hard. I had to lose him in the hallways in school when they were the most crowded, because I'm small compared to other guys I had to crouch low to get out, then sneak out to his car to pop the tires.

It was easy getting a ride to the beach, I just hopped into a car full of cheerleaders and boom, I'm at the beach.

My eyes scanned the dancing crowd. Who should I mess with next? Most of the people that showed up looked like college students, the older the better. My eyes landed on a hottie, he had a good figure, he was practically golden with wavy brown hair. He seemed like he was packing.

I took a sip of my drink before getting up. I was a bit tipsy from all the drinks I had with Lola, it wasn't like I couldn't walk straight or anything, I just felt like I was floating.

I made my way towards the male, it seems I caught his eye, as he watched me approach. I was so close, just a few more step from him. "Hey-." I stopped as my path was blocked by a bigger body. "Move" I snapped as I looked up, "Ah~ Hello boys. You need something?" I narrowed my eyes as three guys surrounded me.

"Adrian there's someone who'd like to chat with you." The one with jet black hair spoke, his name was Trent. He is the quarterback for the football team and the two with him was his little posey, Alexander and Roland. "I'm busy" I tired looking past them. "With what? Trying to occupy your sorry life with another dick up your ass? If you add another one you might burst" Trent spoke in a low voice.

I held my myself back from speaking, I tried walking past him but Alexander got in my way. "Let's go I think you'll like who we have waiting for you" Trent grabbed my arm in a tight grip, it was something I could get out of if I tried.

I needed to keep a low profile, I wanted people to keep a certain image of me and for that not to be ruined, I held off from kicking their asses.

I began walking with them, it seemed we were heading to the changing tents. That'll do. I prepared myself for the worse in case theses idiots were actually skilled in combat.

We approached a small changing tent, it could fit up to three people in there at a time, usually folks used them to have sex in while at the beach, so it was roomy on the inside.

I glanced back measuring how far we were from the party, it was far enough. I looked to Roland who was on my right, he had his hand on my shoulder to keep me moving. I stomped on his foot, thrusting my elbow into his side before kicking Alexander in the stomach when he tried to get closer "hey-." Alexander groaned in pain as held his stomach after. I finished Roland off, who was leaning over whining about his foot, I grabbed the back off his neck pushing it down as I brought my knee up, forcing my to collide into his face. I kneed him hard enough to break his nose. The two groaned in pain, I wasn't impressed with Alexander, since he seemed ready to throw in the towel after one kick.

I felt large arms wrap around me, trapping my arms to my side. Trent had a good grip on me. "Let. Go!" I hissed as he started to force me into the tent. I stomped on his foot like I did to Roland, thrusted my head back, butting my head into Trents chin. He yowled in pain as he released me, he held his jaw as he threw a jab at my face. I fell back, with his weight following. We landed inside the tent no longer in sight. "You brat!" Trent went to punch again but was stopped by another man's hand by grabbing his wrist.

"Sorry, he started fighting on the way in. I thought he'd be easy to get here, especially with all the drinks he had" Trent explained as his wrist was released. All the drinks I had?

"I know how to hold my liquor!" I snapped. I didn't look at the other man, I was focused on the weight that was on me. I crunched my body, using my legs to swing forward and wrap around Trent's front, pulling him off. I put him in a quick chock lock, his neck in between my thighs as I squeezed. I grabbed one of his arms, pulling it to prevent him from removing my legs. I felt him tap with his free hand "you don't get to tap out" I snapped.

"Oh Adrian, you aren't going to make me wait are you?" A deep voice spoke, my eyes widened. I recognized that voice, I instantly released Trent, I heard him gasp for air, as I moved away from him, looking to the other man.

I froze up, I wasn't able to speak, I never thought I would see him again. Memories began flooding back in, ones that haunted me, ones I tried so desperately to forget. "Aren't you going to say hello?" He spoke in a cold chilling tone.

I wanted to run but I couldn't, my legs wouldn't allow me to even stand. They stayed planted underneath me. Trent was quick to leave to tent to give privacy. "Why are you here?" I whispered, I avoided eye contact. "Because I lost something of mine". "I-I am not yours anymore" I cleared my throat. I could already feel how angry his stare had become by my words.

It was all in the past, someone I wanted to forget and never see again. "Look at me" he ordered "I said look at me!" He snapped. I forced myself to look at him. "Good boy, seems like you still listen. Come, come" he spoke.

My breathing became uneasy as I moved towards him, while still on my knees, looking up at him. "Tell me you missed me" He leaned down. I flinched as he touched my face "I.. missed you" I said in a low voice. His touch felt like a thousand hands were on my body, caressing and moving wherever they wanted.

"Say my name" He was moving in closer. My heart began to beat faster, I was so scared. I wanted to leave, I wanted to return back to the safety of my home. "Cain" I whispered as a small tear rolled down my cheek. "While I was in jail, I was thinking of you the whole time. How your father fucked everything up for me" his growled. He gripped my cheeks squeezing.

"Your daddy is at the top of the food chain, he has a lot of enemies. I think it's time for a new predator to take his place" Cain chuckled "and by my side you will be, forever. Help me out" he forced a deep kiss onto me, without hesitation he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

I turned my head away from his to stop him "Why are you acting like I have the dirty mouth here?" He forced my head back to where it was, "I wonder how many men have been inside you while I was away" he snapped "since your still a dirty slut, I have a group who is willing to pay" He smirked.

The opening curtain flew open, outside I saw Trent groaning on the ground. This was the first time I was glad to see Bellamy. "Who are you!" Cain snapped as Bellamy gripped the arm Cain held my face with, he began forcing him to let go.

I stumbled back when I was released. Cain got ready to fight but Bellamy pulled a Glock out and pointed it at him "Move and I'll shot, follow us and I'll kill you and those who know you!" Bellamy moved to me, helping me up. Cain backed off. "I see, you got a new boy toy, you can't replace me!" He shouted as I exited the tent with Bellamy.

Bellamy put the gun away as to not scare anyone "let's hurry and leave" he ordered taking my hand, leading me to the parking lot. I noticed the Alexander and Roland were not around the tent, they must've ran off. I spotted Cain, as he exited the tent, he didn't follow he just stared at me.

I looked back at Bellamy as he led me to a bike "this isn't your car" I wiped my eyes. "Someone slashed my tires" he spoke coldly, hinting that he knew I did it. He handed me a helmet before he got on. "Get on, I don't have all day" he frowned at me. He seemed really pissed off at me. I put the helmet on and got on the back, wrapping my arms around his waist.

We began riding off and all I did was look back. When did Cain get released?

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