Kho Gaye Hum Kahan

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"My life had become a boreing movie,,which no one would ever see.... Not even me... Looking back to those days when I followed the silly routine instead of enjoying my life,, still hits me... I regret wasting my long 5 years over that boring job and life..."

The next day she woked up from the same nightmare,,took her medicine and again drifted to sleep....
In the morning she woke up with the sunshine and chirping birdsong in their small one bhk cottage....
Gently opened her eyes and stretched her hands like welcoming the new day....
She finds Avantika still sleeping peacefully,,looks like having a good dream....
She gets down the bed and moved ahead to the washroom and freshens up....
Comes out making a bun and goes towards the main gate and takes the milk packet and again comes in to prepare coffee....
A morning coffee freshens her mind and makes her fit for the upcoming day...
Taking small sips,,she headed towards the balcony and took a view of her surrounding neighborhood....

As always the aunt living on the same floor right to her small cottage,,was drying her hairs,,the little girl on one floor below was as always irritating her mother by her tantrums of not drinking milk before going to school....
She finds her memories looking at them when she was a kid and used to irritate her mother just the same....
After spending a good time looking at the surroundings,,she moved in again and got ready....
She gets dressed and takes a final glance of herself in the mirror and sees through the mirror at the figure of her friend who was still in the same position of sleeping peacefully.....
She didn't even move a bit after all those noise she had done to prepare breakfast,,yet she was still sleeping....
She takes a sticky note and writes over,
"Eat me!!!"
With a smily and sticks it over the bowl containing food...
Taking her keys,,she locked the door and moved down her apartment,,meeting some of her neighbours....
She reaches the metro station with as always a chaos and lot of noise,, disturbing her....
She takes out her headphones and plays loud music and then it was all silence....
She enters the train and takes a seat at the back near the gate....
After a journey of 45 minutes,,she reached her station and gets down...
The next way was to be covered by walk,, something of 15 minutes and reached her office....
She has been working at the normal employee in an ordinary small job....
She gets paid sufficiently to get the way to have food for a month each....
She reached her desk and as always got many files already kept their to be done....
Taking a deep breath,,she sits down and first takes her medicine and continues with her work....

At 2pm they had their lunch and then gets back to their work and at 7 in the evening the office was all empty.... Sometimes she had to do over-time and night shifts to earn a little more than usual.... She hardly gets holidays and their is no scop of promotion in her field....
After the hectic day she goes back home and finds Avantika already back...
They cook dinner and with all the other pending works they at around 9pm drifts to sleep....
And this goes on... It was her daily routine,,all boring and sad.... She didn't knew why was she doing such boring job and following such routine.... But she can't do anything,,she thinks this as her destiny and keeps going....

"I'm sorry!!! I'm so sorry.... I didn't see.... I'll help...."
She said bending on her knees and collecting the papers which were scattered all around...
"It's perfectly fine.... I too wasn't seeing straight...."
A soft voice came and bent to her level and helped her with collecting the papers....
Her full focus was on the papers while the man was lost in something.... She could feel his eyes looking at her but she shrugged her thoughts and continued to collect the papers....
After collecting and handling all the papers,,she handed them to the man and asked for apologies ones again while the man thanked her for the help which seemed total opposite of what she thought....
She thought he might get annoyed and tell her a thousand things and she'll again get late due to that....
But this man was so kind and sweet and there was something that attracted her to him....
She looked at the man carefully from top to bottom....
The man of height an inch more than hers,,fair and having deep eyes.... He had wore casual shirt and jeens yet seemed so attractive and handsome....
But before her emotions come out and she does something weird,,she handled herself and left....
While the man kept standing their and saw at her disappearing figure in the crowd of thousands....
He had a smile on his face while the girl too had some different feeling....
"I don't know what happened just now.... It was just so fascinating.... It was just a small moment of not more than a minute,,but it was so soothing... She's all different and.... Different.... She's something.... I didn't smile so much since long 2 years but now when I met her just for a minute I'm smiling like nothing over recalling the moment.... I wish I meet her again...."

"I can feel something.... Something different.... It was just an small accidental moment but the feeling was so pure and soothing.... I could feel his eyes on me while I pretended to be busy... I don't know what's happening with me but I wish I meet him again...."

Hey Guys!!!
I've written the upper part more or less from taking the reference of the movie "Rabta"....
It's an amazing movie and if you haven't seen,,go and see you'll get a better view of the scene....
I've still not told the names of the main characters....
The girl and now another character has been added....
Soon the names will be introduced....
And the mystery is still remaining....
About the girl,,the man,,the nightmare and their past....
Lot more to know...
So to know,,keep reading
"Torn Piece Of Paper"
I'll take leave till then and will come again with the next part of it....
Enjoy reading and stay safe!!!

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