Teddy Bear

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Akshara calls Abhi.

Akshara: hello Abhi (in a crying tone).

Abhimanyu: Akshara what happened why are you talking like this. Are you feeling well? Did someone say anything to you at home?

Akshara: no Abhi nobody told anything to me and i am feeling totally well.

Abhimanyu: then what happened?

Akshara: i am getting bored at home.

Abhimanyu: should I come back home?

Akshara: no. Should I tell you something, will you agree?

Abhimanyu: what is it Akshara? Tell me.

Akshara: can I change the decorations of our room. Please.

Abhimanyu: that's it. Ok do it but please keep my taste in consideration also.

Akshara: ok. I will try to.

Abhimanyu: I will send the driver along with my card. He will pick and drop you back home. I don't want any argument on this.

Akshara: ok bye.

She does the shopping and comes back home with a lot of things and heads straight to her room. She changes into a comfortable trouser and shirt, ties her hair into bun and starts her work.

Akshara: beta start now.

She firstly starts from the bed and changes its cover and pillow covers too. The new cover is white with small teddy bears made on it and one big teddy bear on each pillow cover. She then moves to the balcony and removes the swing with the help of a servant. It is replaced by single hanging chair with a cushion inside it. She puts a wind chime on the balcony door.

She then puts a huge teddy bear on the bed with one heart cushion on each side. After this she stands on the bed and puts shining moons and stars on the ceiling. She then scans the entire room to see if something is amiss.

Akshara: that's it Akshara. If I do anything more Abhi will throw me out of the house.

Maa: Akshara come downstairs. What are you doing their since so many hours.

Akshara: coming maa.

Maa: what were you doing?

Akshara: nothing maa i was getting bored so I was changing the decor of the room.

Maa: ok come sit. You might be tired.

Akshara: no I will change first, Abhi can come anytime.

Maa: it's ok sit.

After sometime, the doorbell rings and Abhimanyu enters. He spots his mother and wife in the Hall and heads towards them. Akshara stands up seeing him and runs to her room. Abhi is shocked seeing her outfit and is staring at her retreating figure. She comes down after changing and he is a bit upset because he didn't see her properly in that outfit.

After sometime Akshara heads to the kitchen and Abhi goes to his room. He opens the door and is terrified seeing the light coming from ceiling and shouts. Akshara comes there and turns on the light.

Akshara: Abhi what happened?

Abhimanyu: nothing when I opened the door light was emanating from the ceiling.

Akshara: ohhh. It's because of those stars and moons(pointing to the ceiling). They glow when there is no light in room.

Abhimanyu: ohh so that's the decor you did?

Akshara: you liked it.

Abhimanyu: it's ok.

After sometime he spots the teddy bear on the bed and gives a horrible look to Akshara.

Abhimanyu: Akshara what the hell is that thing doing on my bed?

Akshara: that's cute no?

Abhimanyu: but why is it on our bed?

Akshara: because it's going to sleep with me from now on.

Abhimanyu: what?? You will sleep with him?

Akshara: yes I had this habit before marriage too.

Abhimanyu: I will go and change.

Akshara: what happened to Abhi suddenly? His mood was so good when he came?

Abhimanyu comes out of the bathroom and sees Akshara is not in the room. He takes it as an opportunity and picks up the teddy bear and throws it on the hanging chair and smiles to himself.

Abhimanyu's InnerThoughts

What the hell is wrong with you Abhimanyu Birla? You are being jealous of a teddy bear. A lifeless creature. Yes, so what she is my wife. I only have the right on her. Akshara what have you done to me.

Abhimanyu is exiting the room when Akshara enters. He reaches the stairs and Akshara shouts for him and he comes back to the room.

Abhimanyu: what happened?

Akshara: why have you moved him from the bed?

Abhimanyu: because I thought his absence would make my room look less like a toy room.

Akshara: Abhi what is this??

Abhimanyu: Akshara we already have so many teddy bears on the bed. What difference would the absence of one make?

Akshara: ok as you wish and leaves the room.

Abhimanyu: (to himself) no argument strange.

Post dinner Akshara leaves for her room while Abhimanyu is still talking to Anand and Mahima about a patient. In the room Akshara changes into her night suit and brings the teddy back on the bed and hugs sleeping it.

Akshara: Abhi now what will you do?

Abhimanyu comes to the room stressed and is shocked to see how Akshara was hugging the teddy bear. She had grabbed him under one arm while her face was on his face and one leg was above his leg.

He goes and tries to take the teddy bear from her hold but she tightens her grip. He gets frustrated and snatches it with full force and throws it on the floor and even kicks it.

On the other hand Akshara in her sleep starts looking for the teddy bear with her hand and Abhimanyu immediately goes to sleep by her side. Akshara thinks it's the teddy bear and makes herself more comfortable by placing her head on his chest and wraps one hand around his stomach. He too wraps an arm around her and sleep peacefully.

Love Shay

Hope you people enjoy it.

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