TWD[angst fic]pt.1

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I've been with Rick's group since the run to the city when they met Rick and I, we had been in the same hospital room, he'd gotten shot and I had damaged my vocal cords. Together we met a man named Morgan and his son Duane. They informed us about the state of the world and how to keep ourselves safe from the dead roaming the streets.

Even if these people had kept me alive and taught me many valuable skills, I wanted them to stop talking to me about anything and everything. If I was able to speak I would most likely tell them to shut up.

I was helping Lori with the collecting eggs from the chicken coop as she ranted about her life. She shed tears that had been suppressed by the pressure of surviving in this world. I could visibly see the sweat seeping through her skin and her eyes screaming for help, but I can't give it to her, I can't speak. How could she talk to me like she's speaking to a therapist only to have no response? How come she doesn't talk to the man she married? "I hate not knowing," She stated, without giving context, then vomited in an empty bucket on the coop's floor. "No need to worry over that, I can rinse it out later, just the morning sickness," Lori noted. That must be what she meant by "I hate not knowing"?

Once Lori's therapy and my torture ended I headed over to the Greene house for a checkup Hershel promised me. I sat down on the bed in a guest room as he looked me over for any major injuries. He sat beside me on the bed and asked me basic "yes" or "no" questions to which I nodded "yes" or "no". "Have you ever been able to speak?" he questioned. I nod and he continued with the questions. "Y/n, does it hurt to use your voice?" I nodded and he excused himself. The Greene's never ranted or tried too hard to keep me in the conversation, they never made me feel like I wasn't there like the rest of the group did.

After learning that Hershel could only hope that I could get my voice back by readjusting to using it again, I headed to the R.V to clean the guns. I looked up to see Shane stomping in, cursing out Rick quite freely. Eventually he realized he wasn't alone and a look of panic flashed across his face. He looked up to identify the person, and once recognized me, rolled his eyes and continued his rant to himself aloud. He couldn't care less about what he said around me, I wouldn't be able to repeat it to someone else.

Above me, on the roof of the R.V sat Dale, keeping watch. I joined him after finishing with the guns, leaving Shane to talk as he was. A sigh escaped Dale's lips before speaking."There has been no activity all day, you sure it's worth spending your free time up here with me?" I Nodded my head, not bothering to check if he saw it or not.

I didn't come up here to spend time with him, I came up here to enjoy the silence, glad to be a part of it. This is where I went to escape the headache that this group gave me. I felt like when I was up there I was up high I didn't need to be able to communicate, I was just me, as I was before. myself. The group didn't know me, I was just some girl who was capable of pulling through, incapable of simple speech. To them I was a Nobody.

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