chpater one

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[mad] turned and grinned, waving obnoxiously as we departed. [espress] rolled his eyes at the action, but he still smiled. [nb] cupped their hands around their mouth. "Be careful out there! Try to stay together!" they yelled as we disappeared down the road.

No matter how many times I had wandered the streets, the bareness of society always put me off. A dusty fog always loomed in the distance, and eerie dull brown constantly surrounded us. Walking past gardens that slowly ravaged the once beautiful landscape. Multitudes of objects strewn across the streets, I saw a colourful tricycle discarded in a front yard. I sigh.

"I think we should go through the forest to the neighbouring town, and if we go quickly we'll make it back before nightfall." [soft] murmured, turning her head to the road ending into a gravel path. I nod, we had scavenged a lot from local stores and many of the items we required were running low. All the once charming small-town businesses were either reduced to rubble or completely looted.

"Nee-hee, yeah 'cause all the rest of the food is all gross now, and I ate it all anyway!" [name] snickered from behind.

The group collectively groaned. "So that's where all the biscuits went?!" [mad] exclaimed, glaring at [name].

The boy grinned in response, resting his hands behind his back. "Yuppers! And when I was doing the restock last week, I got suuuuuper hungry and ate them all on the way back!" he laughed.

This was true. If I recall, [name] was sent out to grab some food that day, but he came back empty-handed. And I'm pretty sure he may have been limping, but I'm unsure. The fact stands though, I don't know what happened, and this asshole isn't telling. "God, could you just shut up for once! We don't have the time to figure out whether you're lying or not!" I hiss.

[name] just pouts in response. "Wowie, lighten up a bit grumpy! Who shat in your coffee this morning?" he teased. I huff in reply, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of getting on my nerves. He giggled. "Awww you gonna ignore me? Hey! Hey! Look at me, you know you wanna yell at me, hey, hey!" he went on, poking at my side.

I snapped and gripped his wrist. "Just die!" I yell, throwing his arm away.

He sighed. "That's not very kind, 'specially to someone with a terminal illness like I'm gonna die soon, no need to tell me to hurry it up!" he huffed, skipping ahead.

I hear [mad] gasp from next to me and he deadpans at the child in front of us. "You're ill?!" he frets, concern growing in his voice.

[name] falls to the ground, covering his face with his arm. He screams. "Ah! Ah! Oh no, it's happening I'm dying [mad]! Quick you have to beg on your knees to god to save me! Ahh! AHHHH!" he cried. When I saw the taller boy decide me panic, stepping over, ready to fall down.

Then I saw [soft] kick gravel at the kid on the floor, dramatically breathing. "Get up, stop being an idiot."

[gf] scoffs and crosses her arms. "It's not funny to joke about that stuff!" she looked furious. Of course, she had told us that her father died of something similar, and [name] knew that.

Rolling his eyes, [name] heaved himself off the ground and dusted the rocks off himself. Watching [mad]'s face turn from concerned to furious, the boy pulled down on his eye and stuck his tongue out.

The rest of the walk played similarly. I swear I had gained a headache from hearing that insistent pest's voice

[i havent finished writing the start of the chapter so it starts abruptly aka mid scene]

"Run!" he screamed as an arrow shot past my ear. I held my breath as I heard the sickening sound of it flying by.

Formally, there were five of us out, the other two stayed behind at the bunker but amidst the chaos, I found myself with [name] of all people, where the other three went, I don't know.

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