《¤ ♡ ¤》

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"Locust... You know how this will end."

"But what's wrong with tryin'?!"

"He'll burn you.."

"... Burn..?"


Locust shuffled on nervous talons, tail swishing against the clover-covered floor of the most muggy place in Phyrria: The Rainforest.

He'll be here, I know it..
... will he..?

Swarming his thoughts like the annoying gnats that buzz his ears, he clung to the marigold flowers in his talons; bright gold against his grisly brown scales.

It was a week ago that the small letter was sent to Possibility. Wrapped in a delicate vine of yellow flowers and studded in dead white petals with the word "Locust", the dragon nearly jumped straight out of his scales when he read the last words... I'll be waiting for you, my love. ♡

It gave the exact meeting spot, time, and to not be alarmed when his Rainwing came by in a camouflaged state (to not annoy his parents with the bright aray of pinks and yellows he'll be sporting, it said). Locust didn't mind even a little; seeing his love was enough. His small, bright orange ball of nothing but overpowering affection was all Locust needed. Everything he will ever want.

But, an hour has passed since the apposed time, and Locust began to worry. Tangerine made it very clear to be at this exact spot of foot-tall clover when the sun was at it's highest. Did he get the day wrong? Was there another tall patch of clover a mile away deep into the Rainforest that he didn't even think about and is just now currently thinking about?

Breathe... Breathe... He'll be here.

Every rustle of leaves above Locust made his heart race and gave him whiplash with how fast he looked, expecting the warm clutch of orange talons around his neck and a tender hug of green wings.
With every hope becoming futile, he twitched his jaw, threw down the flowers, and stood with a grunt and a frustrated slash of his tail against the smiling clover next to him.

He isn't coming... Why would he?

They've been seeing eachother for months and months, but, with Tangerine's mother falling ill and Locust's father working overtime in the Kingdom of Sand, they've never had time to meet in this past month. Every day was a touch-and-go for even a letter.

It would make sense that his Rainwing would've found another fellow Rainwing to groove on up to and swoon with that adorable charm of his. Maybe that lavender and red male he's seen flying around with Tangerine sometimes; Jaguar, if Locust remembers correctly. That fiend of a pretty dragon was always too close to Tangerine, in Locust's opinion. Brushing wings and pretending it's a joke. Small hints of leaving Locust behind every time he wanted to visit Tangerine. It was exauhsting, but his Rainwing didn't mind, so he kept quiet on the subject.

Maybe the distance got to Tangerine, and he went to Jaguar and they...

Locust turned his back against the inner part of the Rainforest. Huffing, he took one step, then another, until he was fully walking away from the designated spot.

They're probabaly up there laughing at him... A burly hybrid, contrast against the lucious elegance of the greens around him. Lavender tail wrapped around his Rainwing's orange tail, tight and in love and goo-goo eyes and closeness and-

"Where do you think you're going, love?"

- and just like that, every image of Jaguar dissipated to the foggy mist below him. Locust craned his head, slowly, to see the bright orange scales he always thought smelled like the sweetest fruit. Sapphire-blue eyes were wide and sparkling, and they were looking right at him.


"Yeah? Why are you walking away?? I mean, I know I was really late, but my mom wanted something from the clinic, and you know how long that line was, so then I went to her and she wanted something else and it was a whole mess and- OOF-"

Locust had run to the ranting Tangerine and engulfed him in the biggest hug of red and green wings. The lime-spotted dragon sighed and rested his small head against Locust's broad shoulders.

"Just, shut up, 'Rine..."

He could feel his Rainwing's body vibrate in a chuckle. Locust's chest sunk deeper into a fit of trembling relief. He didnt leave him, he didnt leave him, he still loves him..

"Okay, my love, I will."

"I was worried.."

"... Why?"

"That you- Went to Jaguar because of how long it's been- since we've seen eachother-"

"Oh, 'Lo... Look at me."

Teary, heterchromic eyes met the gentlest blue. Orange talons cupped brown cheeks, broad head held inches from a color-changing, now-pink snout.

"Never, ever, will I EVER decide to go to anyone else. I will wait a thousand years in a dying Jungle for you, and that's final."

"Even... Even when all the fruit dies..?"

"Even when all the fruit dies, and you know how I'd kill for a cantaloupe."

Locust chuckle, closed his eyes for a moment and just... Relished his lover's touch. He would never leave you... Will never.

"What Im hearing," He opened his eyes to see sweet oceans of blue staring back, "is that you want a cantaloupe?"

"I thought you'd never ask~" Tangerine giggled, giving a kiss to Locust's head and whispering, "I love you, I've missed you, and I will be here every step you take. Okay? Now stop forgetting that."

Locust snorted, small tears prickling the corners of his eyes.

"Okay... I'll try."

"Now, let's go eat some cantaloupe, cuddle, and kiss all day until you decide to live here with me, okay? Sounds good, my love?"

"That sounds like a dream come true, 'Rine."

"Then c'mon, you look exauhsted. Oh are those MARIGOLDS?! You remembered how much I love these!! Oh, yeah! Yesterday-"

Locust followed Tangerine into the Rainforest (on foot; Locust always tangles in the vines, to his boyfriend's amusement), tail twined lovingly with his Rainwing's as he listened to the tale of how Tangerine bravely fought off a thousand sloths to get to a small patch of marigolds he found at a pond. Every detail made Locust laugh, and he didn't even notice when they got fruit, went to a hammock, and held one another close as 'Rine finished his treacherous story.

In this moment, Locust felt as if he could lift the whole of Phyrria to search for the perfect patch of marigold for his love. Or pick the best cantaloupe. Or haul the dangers away with a sweep of his wings.

With Tangerine...

He felt at home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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