"Let's leave together"

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6 friends, Usagi, Dol Dol, Sakurada Arina, Taosha Matsuni, and Tashigeh Kitsmuna and Karina are all interested in mystery. One day, after school, they find a space for people interested in mystery online, they read about different unsolved mysteries, but then, they find one, that really gets them intrigued, it was called 'Multi universes', the writer went into detail about how people glitch out of this universe when they intent to, meaning that these people have a mindset of their own, they planned on going into another universe, and it was by purpose, which is also why a lot of people go missing out of nowhere.

-"that's a stretch" said Tashigeh "if more people see stories like this they won't focus on the killers and kidnappers of people that have gone missing, must be why they get away with it in the first place, it's cause' of those delulu's" said Tashigeh with a giggle

"It's just a theory calm down" whispered Dol Dol

-"I actually wanna try this" said Sakurada "seems cool, I can actually go into a universe and live the life that I've always wanted" Sakurada added, "woah" whispered Sakurada "it's gone, the article, it's gone, the writer deleted it"

-"oh, anyway, we have Math class, let's get out of here" said Usagi


After school...

"Do you guys wanna come to my place later? To play games" said Sakurada,"I'll have to ask my mom, she's pretty all over the place about me going to a girls house, I understand why though." Said Tashigeh, "ahhh" said Sakurada "we'll hopefully see you later Tashigeh"


At the sleep over...

"hey guys, remember that article I read?" Said Sakurada, "the one about universes?" Toasha answered

"Yea" Sakurada replied "I wanna try it out, for real though, it'll be great going into a reality that I've always wanted to be in"

Everyone glanced.

"You mean a universe without us?? A universe isn't complete without us and you know that" said Dol Dol. The room filled up with laughs. Possibly the last time they ever laughed.

"So, do you guys wanna try it out?" Whispered Sakurada "how exactly?" Said Tashigeh in a deep voice"AH" screamed everyone "where the hell did you come from you scared me" said Karina"NO WHERE DID 𝙔𝙊𝙐 COME FROM" said Arina (Sakurada) to Karina, "I never said I wouldn't come" said Karina "that's what she said" replied Tashigeh "and if you're wondering how I got here, you left the door open, Sakurada, and you said you hope I'll come, didn't you?"

"Ye-yea, but um anyway, on topic, we should try going in a universe all together, a universe like this one, but WE get whatever we want, eh?" Said Sakurada with a wink "yea no" said Usagi "I'm not on that demon thingy people do, form ouji board to Charli Charli" added Usagi "good luck though, I wonder where your body would go when you leave either way" said Usagi "you never believe anything" replied Sakurada. "We don't want to do it" said Dol Dol "it's too dangerous, and people end up in the wrong universe sometimes, I'm not setting myself up for failure" added Dol Dol, others in the room agreed "you're not gonna try to do it when we leave right Arina (Sakurada)?" It's too dangerous said Taosha "you guys know how much I've been through, DON'T YOU WANT ME TO HAVE A GOOD LIFE?!" Said Sakurada in a loud voice "Just because you have trauma, doesn't mean you can force it on us and guilt trip us to selling our souls" said Dol Dol "IT'S NOT SELING YOUR SOUL"yelled Sakurada. The room filled with silence..."it's called giving up" Sakurada added "it's up to you, you can go live a live in a universe that you're not even sure is real without us, there will be other people there, people you can make friends with. Some universes don't even have people in them. Be careful what you wish for" said Usagi "I know it's real" said Sakurada on the urge of crying "I just have to put myself to the mindset of going into another universe, like the article said" added Sakurada. "Dude, the article is gone, erased, I checked my search history and it wasn't there anymore, it's like the government deleted it off the internet as soon as it was uploaded" Replied Dol Dol
"Look" said Usagi, with the bright light coming from his computer

 "Dude, the article is gone, erased, I checked my search history and it wasn't there anymore, it's like the government deleted it off the internet as soon as it was uploaded" Replied Dol Dol"Look" said Usagi, with the bright light coming from his ...

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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