Evil Gummy Bear Brings Back Painful Memories

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Warning: Fluff, such as kissing

When I woke up I saw blood, chains, lava, and stone all around me. I quickly sat up scooting away from the lava that was close by. I looked around to spot beside me Moose just starting to wake. His eyes fluttering open, he yelped in shock as a sparking lava that landed on his hand. I was terrified out of my mind and I could tell Moose was as well.

         "Where are we?" Moose shrieked looking at me with distress in his bright blue eyes.

I have been through many things, but this may beat everything I've been through. I try to gather myself, hoping that looking around the surroundings will better help understand where we are. As I was trying to find something remotely close to similar I notice a see-through virtual gummy bear looking thing in the corner of my eye. I turned into its direction quickly, almost giving myself whiplash. Moose looked at me confused and scared and when he spotted the creature as well, he did the same thing.

          "What are you and who are you?" I interrogated, trying to sound strong. My hands were trembling from my fear, but I knew we couldn't just sit here and be captured. I stood up and went toward Moose, making him get up and hiding him behind me.

          "Oh, so you really don't remember me." It said in a static-like voice. Why is everyone here saying we don't remember them? There are too many 'things' now saying we remember them for this to be a coincidence.

          "If you like-" The gummy bear started.

          "I can make you remember everything, but it will come at a cost." It said with a malicious grin.

          "What is the cost?" Moose asked skeptically. I looked over my shoulder to see him peeking his head out. Even though he tried to sound brave and not scared at all, the tremor of his body said otherwise.

          "Sadly, it will be a painful process." the bear said with mock sadness and guilt.

          "How painful?" I investigated, and something told me that he's choosing the painful way on purpose. Even if that's the case, why would he? Have we done something terrible to him in the past?

           "You will feel all the pain you have ever felt in your entire life." It said with a bit of happiness in it's voice.

            "Knew it." I thought to myself. I looked at him with a glare and within that glare was a hidden terror that I didn't want to show.

            "Why are you trying to get our memories back in the first place? I probed. There is something about this bear that we are missing and I need to know what. It tried to walk closer in our direction, but I immediately pushed both me and Moose away from it. After seeing this it stopped, it smirked for a quick second and then tried to hide it with a calm warm smile. Even when he attempts to seem nice and friendly, you can sense the malice in everything he does.

            "Why can't you trust that I'm trying to be nice?" it asked.

            "Because we don't know you! You literally KIDNAPPED US!" Moose exclaimed, showing his fear in his voice. The gummy bear frowned at this accusation, but then smiled once more, only this time it wasn't as big as it was before.

            "I never kidnapped you. You both are in the exact same place you have always been in." He softly spoke, the strain in voice present.

           "It was those other animatronics that have kidnapped you," he implied. I glared at him skeptically. I then tried to glance around the room, trying to find a way to escape this place.

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