🌌 - Chapt. 1 - "Altercations with XML"

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Also this book kinda follows a diff storyline? Idk just not gonna be down to code old zavolistic yk?

But itll have just as many pancakes

Anyways enjoy and dont forget to favorite and comment cause i love ur guys' input and reactions lol


Ruv huffed in anger, upset not at the reason they were fighting, but the fact they faught at all. Ruv laid his weight on a brick wall, leaning on it.

He knew he was probably wrong in the argument, he wasn't one to fight with Sarv. He was one to fight for her. Besides, when they faught, it reminded him of a less likable time when they didn't get along at all.

Ruv, clouded with feathery thoughts, didn't even notice how late it was getting. He snapped out of his trance when he swore he could have heard a guitar..?

Ruv turned the corner into an alley, flashing lights spewing off of the walls. He shockedly widened his eyes. Its that pain in the ass, boyfriend!

The person he was battling was slightly taller than him. Actually, scratch that, at least 4 or 5 feet taller than him. He had a bomb for a head and a dark cyan colored hoodie. His eyes were flashing as fast as the walls were, changing shapes, colors, and at Immaculate speeds.

Boyfriend froze, as the bomb screeched as loud as possible. Ruv, standing a little ways away, yanked his hat down, trying to cover his ears.

Boyfriend grabbed girlfriend's hand, who dropped the beat box, and ran off down the other side of the alley.

The bomb humanoid breathed quietly and held onto his head. Ruv shifted slightly. The stranger fwipped around and glared at Ruv, giving another air-slicing scream. Ruv breathed heavily, not sure if he should fight or not, cause he honestly just seemed angry, not violent.

Ruv went back to a normal, less frightened position as the bomb backed off. He took a deep breath. "..Sorry." he said, black tears welling in his eyes.

"..It's k." he nervously answered, though not showing it. "I get it, that guy's kind of a nuisance." Ruv calmly sided with him. Whitty sat down on the side of the curb and exhaled. "Tell me about it.. Oh, i'm..- i'm Whitty by the way." he said, trying to stop his weeping, but tears continued to fall from his eyes.

Ruv exhaled. "i'm..."
Ruv was considering actually telling this guy his real name. He shrugged to himself, not seeing any cons currently.

"..-I'm Ruv. Nice to meet you, comrade."

Whitty gave a soft smile with slight black tears still in his eyes. He looked away, Ruv doing the same. "You gonna be alright?" he said, leaning on the ivy covered wall.

"Yeah, i'll be fine.. These breakdowns kinda.. always happen when someone gets on my nerves." Whitty looked at the sky, which was cloudy and thundering. Ruv felt the air against his face, he could already tell bad weather was approaching.

"Looks like it's gonna rain, better head home.." Whitty said. "Uh- I know we just met, but I know a place you can crash.. If you want." Ruv offered as he felt a drop on his face.

Whitty looked to the side for a moment, determining his answer. "..Theres no cops around, right?"

"Why, you a criminal?"
"Might be, might not be." Whitty answered, pulling up his hood. Ruv gave a slight chuckle. "Same."

Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder sounded off around the town. Rain started to pour into the street. "Well what are we waiting for, lets go. I don't know about you, but i'm not a fan of rain.." the bomb said. Ruv nodded and began leading him to the church. He pulled out his phone and looked at the text messages.

Just as expected, Sarv was pleading him to come back cause she was afraid he'd catch something in the rain.

Even though the last time he was sick (which was somehow more miserable as day to day life used to be) was around a year ago.

"..by the way, hope you're alright with hugs." Ruv commented.

"Huh?" Whitty looked up. "You'll see when you get there.. Hopefully she's asleep by then."

"Ruv, who are you talking about??" Whitty asked. "Sarv," he calmly said. "Who's that."
"My friend."

"No- i know that, but.."
"We're friends."

With that, the two continued walking down the street with little to no conversation.


And so begins my summer project--
Anyways this was kinda short im gonna try to make this longer next timmeee aaghagahhahgahag okii byeee <3

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