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"What happened to him?" The plain voice made Theodore Nott whip back his head. When he saw who it was, his mouth automatically curved into a sneer.

"That is none of your business, Potter." Theodore spat out, but felt slightly subdued, when Harry just gave him a patient look. "My mother happened." Theodore gritted out after a while. Harry frowned, but swiftly, crouched down infront of the man, and lifted his hand up to check his pulse. Theodore narrowed his eyes at Harry, but didn't try to stop him, realising, he was only trying to help.

"Come with me." Harry stated and lifted up the man in his arms. Theodore opened his mouth to protest, but Harry was already walking away. Theodore gritted his teeth, but followed Harry closely. Soon they entered a small shop in Knockturn Alley, and Harry walked straight towards the back of the shop. Theodore looked around with a wary look, but decided against opening his mouth.

"Fiona!" Harry called out in an urgent voice, even as he lowered the unconscious wizard on the small ratty bed. Theodore immediately dropped down beside him, and held onto his hand. Within seconds, as if having apparated, a woman, who was well past his sixties, with unkempt hair and a dirty look, came inside.

"Hades? What is going on?" The woman asked with a frown. But then her eyes went to sleeping man, and she didn't need any further explanation. Taking out her wand, she started throwing spells one after the other in succession, not even sparing a glance at Theodore, who was glaring at the woman with a venomous look. "Bring me a flushing potion and a nerve soother."

Harry strode away from there and disappeared behind a door, which even Theodore didn't notice before. Coming back a few moments later, he handed two odd looking vials to the woman, who spelt it in right away, one after the other. Nonplussed but getting steadily annoyed at being ignored, Theodore pursed his lips, with his eyes flashing. But Theodore had to move away, as Harry conjured a basket, and helped the unconscious man throw up everything. Theodore watched with a slight mortification, as in his addled mind, he threw all over Harry, before he managed to turn his head away towards the basket. Only after he had stopped throwing up, did Harry move back from him, despite the fact that he was not covered with puke.

"Fiona, will he be okay now?" Harry asked, even he helped him with some water, to wash away the after taste.

"Yes, Hades. The poison did not get much time to work. You brought him here in right time. Just let him rest here for a while, and then feed him something." Fiona, the elderly woman said in a soft voice. Harry nodded.

"You're always helpful, Fiona. Expect an apple pie soon enough." Harry grinned. Fiona only gave him an amused smile, and then strode away from there. Only then did Harry turn towards Theodore. "Nott, he will be fine. He just needs rest and food." Harry gave him an easy smile, and then stood up. He grimaced as he looked down at him, but just casted a cleansing charm on himself.

"Thank you Potter, for saving my brother." Theodore said in a grateful voice. A blink of an eye was the only indication of his surprise, but he merely smiled.

"You're welcome. Now, he needs some rest and then make sure he gets to eat something." Harry nodded. Theodore's face again pinched at that, making Harry throw him a curious look.

"As I told you, my Mother is the reason, we are in this position. Tristan refused to marry the witch Mother selected and this is the result of that. Until Tristan marries, he cannot be Lord Nott, and mother remains the head of the house." Theodore gritted out. Harry looked at the now awake but silent boy on the bed. He had a blank look on his face, even though he had a tight hold on Theodore's hand, who had again taken his place beside his brother.

"As much as I know, you used to get on well with Zabini. Did you tell him anything?" Harry asked, trying to come up with a solution in his mind.

"It was Blaise's cousin, that Tristan refused to marry, and now he won't talk to me." Theodore replied in a curt voice. Harry sighed but gave a small nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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