376 12 11

Age is about 6-7 grade 2

Yes flames I used to play this when I was younger so for people who don't know how to play this game
Flame is a game where you put your crushes name and yours and X out the letters that are matching in your crushes name and yours and the remaining letters you have to count them and count on the letters flame which ever letter you stand on determines your relationship here's the acronyms :
F- freindship
L- love
A- affectionate
M- marriage
E- enemies

So anyway I decided to make a you know fanfic about it  (͡°‿ ͡°) 

In class Eden academy

Becky : Hey Anya Anya
Anya: what is it Becky
Becky : I found out about this game called flames 
Anya: really what's it about
Becky: it determines your status with the one person you like in  the future!!!!!
Anya : really (ʘ'ᗩ'ʘ) !?!?!! (Does Becky also have super powers???is she like bond?????)
How does she know
Becky : so would you like to try your name and Damians ?
Anya: yes Anya nods her head with a determined look

And Damian walks in  what are you guys playing again another silly game and Anya replies with were playing flames syon boy >:)
What????? What kind of game is that i bet it's silly says eween Emile who agrees with eween probably Anya says  Becky said that it determines your status with the person you like in the future!!!!! Ehhhh but why is my name and Anya's there says Damian

Becky: don't question I'll start now

As Becky  crosses the identical letters of their name the remaining letters were 4 so we count to four in flames
¹ ² ³ ⁴

Becky: Anya you got marriege you and Damian are gonna get married oooOoOHH
Anya with a schocked face 
(((;ꏿ_ꏿ;))) really ??? So does that mean plan B became a success??
world peace ( ´◡‿ゝ◡') papa is gonna be so proud

Damians reaction whatttt????
(/ •̀/д/•́/)))  Why would I marry a violent woman like her and she's ugly ugly stubby pig legs 
not to mention a commoner Damians face turned like a ripped tomato that's about to burst whatever I will never marry you neverr!!!!! as he hides his face and goes to his seat emille who says you will never marry boss man boss man is really great and smart person not like a commoner like you!!! Eweeen yeah !! So don't expect anything stubby legs and follows Damian to his seat

Anya does the iconic "heh" just like what her mother said  and Becky says whatever what's wrong with him I'll never know why you like him Anya I guess you saw something in him that I don't
Anya who is completely  focused on the future (so me and Damian are gonna get married in the future? I know your power Becky I know your secretly a fortune teller like bond but why would I marry syon boy he is a dork but that doesn't matter Anya saved the world world peace!!! )

It's been about. A year since Anya and Damian met as the students of the section they're in  secretly ships them now the whole class first impression of Anya hitting Damian changed and started to treat her kindly as they everyday saw Damian and Anya cute dynamics  eween and emille also kinda ships them to behind Damians back  lol 
and that loner  George glooman he now writes fanfic of Damian X Anya and sells it to his classmates Becky bought one book of it the whole class now also likes George for this and pretty much Is cool with him and also the. Teacher know about this

Oh my god. Yall I'm sorry for the wait I made you wait for 1000000099900000000 years anyways I was discourage writing since there are so damn many people who makes such great ideas of a fanfic comic so I never really thought of myself that good of a writer I guess now I'll post more even when my writing and grammars aren't that good  but I know I will improve sorry for the wait   encouraged me to see someone actually waiting and the people who saved it I'm really dumb sometimes

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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