Chapter 1

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Giselle's POV

"Hey no fair unnie!"my little sister whined

I chuckled as I jumped down the tree

"You can jump really high, I have got my powers yet"she pouted making me smile

"You'll get them once you turn ten Ryujin"I said as I patted my sisters back

Ryujin is just 3 years younger than me

"I have to wait 2 more years for that to happen"she said 

"Patience Ryu, when I was your age I couldnt wait to be a vampire with powers"I said

"Giselle!, Ryujin!, dinner!"we heard our mom called

"Race you there monkey!"As i sprinted

"Hey no fair you're as fast as electricity!"I heard my sister shouted

Obviously I reached the house first

"Wheres your little sister?"mom asked

"In the forest"I said 

"Oh you meanie you know she cant run that fast yet!, go grab her"mom said as she lightly hit my shoulder

I chuckled and ran back to the forest

"Hop on my back"I said

"How nice of you"Ryujin sarcastically said

I chuckled and pulled her wrapping her arms around my neck 

I ran back home with my sister on my back

"There they are"Dad said with a smile on his face

"Dad! Giselle unnie is such a meanie we were playing tag and she jumped on top of a very high tree"My sister said as she hugged our father

I chuckled

"Shin Aeri"dad said

"I surrender"I said with my hands up

Mom then cleared her throat and raised her eyebrows at me and my father

"Oops"I said

"Chanyeol did you bring our daughter in the human world again?"mom asked

"Roseanne she's the one who insisted to come with me"dad expalined

"You know how dangerous that world is"mom countered

"Whats for dinner!?"My sister halted the argument of our parents 

"Boar blood, I wont let Aeri out of my sight"dad continued

Oh dear

"Great! lets eat..drink I mean...LETS FILL OUR VAMPIRE STOMACHS"Ryujin tried to stop our parents from fighting

That sentence made me laugh

"Vampire stomachs really Ryujin?"I said

At least it stopped our parents

"Aww is our little princess thirsty already?"Dad said and picked Ryujin up and went to the kitchen

"Aeri"mom said

I gulped and slowly turned around to face mom

"Hi mom"I said

"Stop going with your dad to that world, its dangerous, Ryujin might get curious and go out there"mom explained

I sighed

"I understand mom"I said

She sighed and caressed my cheeks before leading me inside the house

We had dinner in silence, none of our parents spoke a word

"This is tasty I hope we get to drink more of this dad"my little sister said

"Boars only live in the human world, meaning its rare to find here, your father would have to go there to obtain this blood"Mom replied

"Dont worry honey I'll bring home another boar tomorrow"dad replied

"Can I-"

"No Aeri"Mom cutted me off

I just stayed quiet, I didnt want to argue with mom

"I swear if you got followed Chanyeol"mom said

"Im being careful honey nothing to worry about, besides I have my werewolf friends with me when we go haunting in the mortal realm 

"Its still dangerous"mom replied

"Are you guys done bickering!?"Ryujin shouted and slammed her glass on the table

"Im done drinking"her voice cracked and ran to her room

"I'll go comfort her"I said and excused myself

Ryujin hates it when our parents bicker

Mom is protective while dad is adventurous

 They always argue on a lot of stuff

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