Champagne Glasses (Final Moments)

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Jordan and Layla are sitting in her studio talking when they hear a knock on the door. Layla opens it to see a familiar face.

Layla (looking at Jordan): Um... it's for you.

Jordan is shocked to see Simone enter the studio.

Simone: Can we talk?

Back at the beach house Patience is sitting out out on the back with teary eyes and a suitcase next to her. As she's sitting she thinks about what's even left for here and what she wants her future to look like. She pulls out her phone and sends a text to Layla that states "Can we discuss my contract?"

Meanwhile, Spencer is inside sitting on the couch. He's awaiting a response to the text he sent Olivia asking if they could talk. He suddenly gets a call from an unknown number.

Spencer: Hello?

Unknown: Did you really think I would let this slide?

Spencer: Wade?

Wade: My life is over and I'm not planning on just giving up. But don't worry Spencer, I'm not coming  for you.

The phone beeps and Spencer sees a photo of Liv walking on campus from Wade. Spencer wastes no time rushing out the door.

Speeding to the GAU campus Spence's eyes are filled with tears and his heart is beating out of his chest. He hears the horns honking of the other drivers as he speeds pass them. His hands sweaty and his mind racing with all the thoughts of his soulmate in danger.

Spencer arrives at the campus running around calling out Liv's name. Spencer stops and sees Liv's smashed phone on the ground. Spencer begins to scream out her name as the screen fades to black.

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