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She was always quiet.

She smiled, but only sometimes.

She laughed, but never continued.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng had a huge problem.

Ladybug sighed as she sat on the roof where she and her partner met up at, looking at the beautiful view of the city she lived in and protected. Paris. She wore her signature red jumpsuit with black spots, her pigtails and ribbons were longer, and part of her suit was black with red spots. Her hand parts were black and only a bit red on the back. That day was horrible. She lost the Miracle Box, Su-Han was mad, and now, the only people there were her Kwami, Tikki, and her loyal partner, Chat Noir. Everyone was there for her, but she couldn't help but think that they talked about her behind her back.

"They hate me." she said to herself. "Why was I so stupid!" She then felt water spewing from her bluebell eyes, and realized that she was crying. She let her tears fall with the rain. She wasn't even able to cry properly after losing the box, being rudely interrupted by Su-Han screaming at her for not being a good guardian and holder. "Wingless Chicken Leg was wrong." he said, which hit her harder than the screaming. 

Silently, she hoped no one would find her. Not Alya. Not Adrien. Not even- She was cut off by the sound of something whizzing. "Hey, sugarcube, what's up?" Ladybug sighed. "Hey Chat." she said. Ever since that fight, her flirtatious and funny partner had started calling her sugarcube for some reason. "What's wrong? Are you okay? You've been quiet for a long time now. Can you tell me what it is?" he asked, switching to a concerned tone. 

She stared into his emerald-green eyes. Of all the people she'd hurt, she hurt him the most. Chat Noir was surprised. His crush was always very sassy and stubborn, so why was she sad? He had seen it for the past few days, and it hurt him to see her like that.

"M'Lady, you can't stay like this for long. If you do, then Shadow Moth might manipulate you!" "It doesn't matter. I'm already bad enough, Kitty." "Hey." he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's gonna be fine. Like I said, it's you and me against the world. Come on, cheer up. I can't stand seeing you like this forever!" "No, it's not!" she said, so loudly that he took a step back. "You don't understand. I've hurt almost everyone! My family, my friends, everyone in Paris, you! Just go ahead and say it. You hate me. I don't deserve you. You think that I'm the worst person, worst partner, worst friend, and worst Guardian ever!" The teen then sat down, and put her hands on her face, sobbing louder than she had ever sobbed.

Chat couldn't take it. He slowly walked up to the girl, and sat down. "I don't hate you, Mari." Ladybug turned. "Y-You said my name!" Most of her friends called her Mari, short for Marinette. "Yes, I did. Don't freak out, it's okay. I've made a lot of mistakes too. I hurt you by not letting you like the guy you loved, and I yelled at you for being a bad partner, when I was bad myself." "No, Chat, I was the one who made you feel like you weren't good enough." she retorted. "I know. But, that's just what it is. We might be perfect and all, but we're still kids. Even we make mistakes. Even that Su-Han guy caused Master Fu to be akumatized, and he's got tons of experience in being a Guardian. We're only 14, and we've still made many mistakes! But, no matter what happens from those mistakes-" "We find a way, together." she replied. "Exactly. Now you're getting it, princess! See, it doesn't matter what we do, 'cause no one's perfect. Not even Adrien!" "What did he do?" Ladybug asked. 

Chat winced, due to being Adrien himself and admitting to her that he made mistakes. "He was totally oblivious, that he missed out on a great girl." Ladybug then slightly smiled. "What girl?" "That girl, the sweet, smart, and funny girl who might have not been that perfect, but was still trying her best to be it. Even when she was her sassy, confident and smart alter-ego, she made mistakes. He also ran away from his father, and even though I hate to admit it, he made him worried and hurt him so bad. You wanna know something else? He once made a sandwich in his sleep with toothpaste instead of jam, and he brushed his teeth with the jam!" She laughed for a while. It was so nice to see her happy. "I never knew Adrien did that!" she managed to say between laughs. He also smiled, too. "Yeah! I thought Adrien was at least more serious than me! We're totally different!" he said, joining in the laughing. 

Ladybug then stopped, then looked at him, exactly like how he looked at her when she was Marinette. "Are you lying?" she asked, in her usual, sassy tone. "What? No!" he said. She looked at him again, with a mischievous smile on her pretty face. He sighed. "Okay, fine. It's me, Mari." He sadly looked down. Ladybug stared at him, a shocked but comforting look. Her features then softened. "Are you okay?" He managed a smile at her. "Yeah. I'm fine." "Hey." she said, putting a hand on his shoulder. Chat Noir looked back at her. "I'm here, Adrien." she said, smiling. He then looked back and smiled at the girl, putting his hand on hers. "Always, Marinette." he said. She looked at him again, her eyes filled with tears as she stared at her lover, and threw her arms around him. "Thanks Chat! You're always here for me!" she said, tearfully, as he looked at her. "Always,  little bug." he said with a smile, as he hugged her. 

Suddenly, without a doubt in her head, or anywhere around her, as sparkles flew around, Ladybug leaned forward and pressed her lips against his in a soft kiss. Chat returned it, closing his eyes and kissing her like never before, more passionately than when they lost their memories. They separated, that feeling still there as they hugged each other.

"I love you, Marinette." said Chat Noir, hugging Ladybug like he never did before.

"I love you too, Adrien." said Ladybug, her arms around the person who was the love of her life.

She was not alone. 

She just saw who her best friend and lover really was. A person, struggling as much as she was.

But no matter what, they were going to get the box back.

They were going to defeat Shadow Moth.

They were going to make things right.

Even if there were a few mistakes, Ladybug knew that they would get through them together. It was them against the world. For once, she didn't care about what anyone else said about her. Her lover was there, holding her hand as she held his. It did not matter if they argued, or if Su-Han punished her. They were together, and they were going to win. Together. 

Smiling, she rested her head on Chat Noir's shoulder, finally knowing who she was.

She was not the girl who would run away from her problems.

She was not the girl who would give up.

She was imperfect.

And yet, she was perfect.

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