Chapter 1- The Question

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It was a normal day.
I woke up and checked my phone and went in to see if there was anything new. As my dog Bella walks in and jumps up on my bed
- Good morning Bella!
She just licks my hand and lays down beside me I pet her and continue going trough my phone then I decided to get up from my bed and do my normal morning routine. As I went in to my bathroom to do my skin routine i placed my phone on the counter upside down my phone started ringing I looked at it and flipped it over to answer it was Avani I answered
Avani: hey girl!
Y/n: Good morning! How are you?
Avani: I'm doing great! How are you?
Y/n: im doing good so far
Avani: that's good to hear. Any plans for today?
Y/n: so far no plans for today
Avani: great! Want to go over to HH?
Y/n: sure! I'll see you at 2pm
Avani: great! See you later Ily
Y/n: see you later ily too
I hanged up. Now I just have to eat breakfast I was thinking between Starbucks or just homemade pancakes I went for homemade pancakes. I finished my breakfast and I was thinking maybe I should post a TikTok and I did. A thirst trap. Why not? What could go wrong. I posted it and it got a ton of likes I didn't expect it tbh
Time Skip
It was now time to get ready I did my makeup and chose an outfit just something simple

 I posted it and it got a ton of likes I didn't expect it tbhTime Skip1pmIt was now time to get ready I did my makeup and chose an outfit just something simple

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I got a text from Avani saying that she was ready so I could go and pick her up I quickly got my keys and left to pick up Avani
This is my car:

2pmI got a text from Avani saying that she was ready so I could go and pick her up I quickly got my keys and left to pick up Avani This is my car:

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(Me and vinnie had the same cars we always like to race together with other ppl)

as we arrived at the HH i got so excited because these people were like family to me they would always be there for me when I was at my lowest having anxiety and panic attacks and I was so great full for that. I parked my car beside Vinnie's car me and Avani got off the car and went inside

As we walked in we got greeted by everyone but one person. Vinnie. He was probably streaming I could hear him screaming I greeted everyone back and went upstairs to Vinnies room and knocked
Vinnie: who is it?
Y/n: it's me your favourite person
Vinnie: y/n!?
He speed walked to the door and opened it and hugged me I hugged him back. We started talking while he was streaming we have a lot of stuff in common we both love anime we also stream on twitch most of the time that's why we are so close and we both struggle with stuff so we understand each other. He told everyone on his stream bye and turned it off and we both walked downstairs to hang out with the others as i sat down by the kitchen and Vinnie went of to talk to jack and Tabitha I saw Thomas walking towards me he asked me if he could sit down I told him of course
Y/n: what's up?
Thomas: I just wanted to ask you something
Wait. Was this the question!?
Y/n: sure!
Thomas: i was wondering if you wanted to join the HH and move in with us
Y/n: wait fr?
Thomas: yes fr!
Y/n: of course! I would love to be a part of HH!
He hugged me and welcomed me to HH he took me to the living room where everyone was sitting down and chatting and he told everyone and everyone started to cheer and congratulate me
I was so happy

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