chapter 1

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Tori was always in her sister Trina's shadow. Trina went to Tori's dream school, Hollywood Arts where she was a singer. Trina was completely tone deaf and only went there because she BEGGED her parents. Tori's dream was to go to Hollywood Arts for singing too, and her dream was about to become a reality.


Beck was stuck in a relationship with his girlfriend, Jade. Jade was very manipulative of Beck and would physically hurt any girl who even looked at Beck. He felt trapped with Jade, like she was suffocating him in the box she kept him in. He no longer loved her the way he used to.


"TORI GET DOWN HEREEE!" Trina yelled at the bottom of the stairs. Tori was getting ready for the biggest day of her life, her first day at HA.

"I'm coming Trina, 3 minutes!"

"We were supposed to leave 3 minutes AGO!"

Tori ran down the stairs and Trina rolled her eyes, "Honey, you're trying too hard."

Tori curled her hair and had done her makeup extra special and she was wearing a red dress with a black belt and black sparkly boots with heels. "I like this Trina. Now let's go."

Walking into HA for the first time, it seemed like a whole new world. Tori was frantically looking at her schedule to find her locker. #134. She was going up and down the halls looking for #134. She went passed the #120s and #140s but she could not for the life of her find locker #134. She had one last row of lockers to look at. THE #130s! she counted in her head the lockers and ran to the one that was #134. Just as she almost reached the locker, BAM! she ran into someone. She actually ran him over.

"I am sooo sorry. I'm new, I'm Tori Vega." She said and helped the boy she ran over up. He had shaggy hair and tan skin and wore a green skin tight shirt with black ripped jeans. His chin was chiseled and yet his face was soft. She couldn't describe how she felt about him.

"I'm Beck Oliver." He said and looked into her eyes. She felt a tingle throughout her body, like a million fireworks were going off at the same time.

"I promise I don't always run over guys in the hallway. You're the first"

"Well then I'm glad to be your first. I'm actually also your tour guide since we have the same classes."

"eee" she said in her head. "Well this is my locker." She opened it and got her books out of it.

"First up, Sikowitz's class. You're in for a treat Vega, his class is easily the best."

He opened the door to the classroom and a girl was crying very loud in the front.

"Robbie, you need to tell Rex to stop saying my hair is dyed. IT'S NATURAL." The girl had bright red hair and the boy in question was wearing glasses and had curly brown hair. Sitting in his lap was a puppet that looked very similar to him.

"I ain't gonna stop red. You're caught red handed." The puppet said and pointed at her hands, which were in fact dyed red. She continued to cry and she sat down next to Beck.

"Tori this is Cat. Cat this is Tori."

"Hiiiii. *sob* I'd shake your hand but *sob* it's red."

"That's okay. I don't mind." she said and shook her hand. She looked down and her hand was then too, red.

"A HA HA. A HA HA. you have a red hand too. A HA HA. A HA HA."

Tori felt eyes on her and turned around to see a girl with blue streaks through her black hair death staring her.


Beck looked at her and started to say "Jade calm down. I'm just her tour guide." But it was too late. Jade kicked Tori's chair and she flew out of it.

Jade sat down in the chair Tori was sitting in and waved Tori away. Tori had felt a sharp pain go down her leg when she stood up, but she ignored it. She went to sit next to a boy with a keyboard in his lap.

"Hey, I'm Andre. You're Tori I hear."

"You'd be correct." She said and reached to shake his hand but he grabbed the back side of her hand to show her her red palm.

Just then a bald man walked into the room holding a coconut with a straw in it. he was barefoot and wore flowy pants and lots of shirts. He sat cross legged on the stage and said "Students, there is a new student. Her name is Tori. Tori rise."

Andre tapped Tori on the arm and Tori stood up. More pain jolted through her body and she stumbled a bit. She could see that her heel had scraped her leg and she had only a slight cut on her leg. Everyone snapped for Tori, all except for Jade.

Sikowitz said, "Tori, you may sit." and he continued on with his lesson.

When the bell rang, Tori got up and started walking to her next class. Beck tapped her shoulder and said "I'm really sorry about Jade. I tried to stop her"

"It's okay." Just then, bolting pain ran through her leg.

Beck pointed at her leg and said, "you're bleeding really bad Tori. let's get you to the nurse." He helped her walk there and the nurse bandaged up the wound. Beck stayed with Tori the whole time.

"Now Tori is it? I suggest you go home. Have your boyfriend here take you and don't be so clumsy next time."

Beck's face went red and he rubbed his arm. Tori looked at him and smiled, "what a great first day."

Beck said, "Tori, if you want I can take you home . I know Trina drove you here and I am your guide."

Tori smiled, "I'd like that.

Beck signed them both out of school at the office and then brought her to his car. She put into Pear Maps her address and he drove her home.

"Im really sorry again for Jade. She's just a hot head."

"Are you two dating?" Tori asked.

Beck hesitated and responded, "she's my ex. I'm done with her."

"Oh I'm sorry Beck. It must be hard going through a breakup like that."

They showed up at Tori's house and Beck walked her to the door. "Thank you Beck. You’re a lifesaver."

"Is there anything else I can do to help you?"

Tori opened her door and limped inside. Beck saw that there were stairs leading to her living room and picked up Tori and carried her bridal-style to the couch.

"Beck, you didn't have to help me get to the couch" Tori said, wincing as she propped her foot on the ottoman.

"you're right, I didn't have to. I wanted to." He said and went into her kitchen to get a bag of frozen peas from her fridge.

"Beck, I don't think that'll help heal the cut on my leg" Tori said, but Beck still gave the bag to her.

"Okay Tori, I have to get back to school. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me." He said. He took Tori's phone and put his number into it.

"Thank you Beck. I'd walk you out but I don't really feel like getting up" She said and Beck laughed.

"Bye Tori." Beck said and closed the door behind him. Tori sat and looked and the number that had just been added to her contacts.

"What a day."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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