New Student

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Peter woke up by his alarm on his phone. (Stupidly forgot to say he had his phone.) He checked the time, and it said 5:00 A.M. The reason he set it that early was because if he was going to pose as a forgien excahnge student, he had to break into the school, upload his files to the principals computer, and make it look like he exists in this universe. Last night, Peter made changes to his phone so it would adapt to this universe. He got ready, took the keys to the front desk, got the location to the school, and went there. Once he got there, he checked to see if the doors were open. They were not. So, Peter improvised. He went to the side of school, made sure no one was looking, and crawled up to the roof. Lucky, the roof was just a wide open area. He jumped down, and looked for the principals office. After a bit of searching, he found it. He walked over to the computer, and started to get to work. He pulled out a thumbdrive containing all his info of him and him in school, and plugged it in. He started to hack into the school server, and uploaded all his info into the computer, and also made a fake email to let the principal know that Peter is new. He finished on the last touches to make everything look as real as possible. After he did that, he turned off the computer, and left the room. He was about to climb out, until he heard footsteps, and quickly hid in the next room. He peeked out a bit, and saw guy who was bald, but had hair sticking out around his head, and a bug bushy unibrow. He saw as the man walked into the office, and guessed he was the principal. Before he left, Peter decided to listen to the man to see if he'll like him going here. As he was listen, he heard the man open up the email, and check Peter's info. He was amazed by what he saw. With a smile, Peter climbed out of the school, and walked away. He looked at his phone, and saw it was 5:12.

"Hmm. Maybe Spider-Man would like to view the city."

Peter went to an alley way, put his suit on, webbed his bag up to the wall, and climbed up the wall, to the roof of the building. He looked ahead, got a running start, jumped off the building, and started to web swing around. Peter always loved the soft morning breezing rushing through his body. It was relaxing to him. A few people saw him swing by, and were amazing, while some were scared. Probably still remembering the fight between him, and the two heroes. He reached the Effiel Tower, and started to run up. Wehn he reached up to the very, very, very top, Peter crouched on top of the pole, stared out to the city. With the lighting of sun now coming out slowly, the city looked beautiful.

"Wow! Almost like New York. You know, I think I might like it here."

The vision of the time came up in front of him by his suit's AI, and said it was 6:03. Peter then jumped off the Effiel Tower, and started to swing back to the alleyway. After he put all his clothes back on, he the started to walk back to the school. He went insode normally this time, and walked to the principal's office. He gave it a knock, and walked inside.

"Uh, hello."

"Hi. How may I help?"

"My name is Peter Parker. I'm the new forgien exchange student here."

"Ah, yes. I got an email about you. Come in."

Peter then walked over, and sat in the chair in front of the desk.

"Welcome Mr.Parker, I'm Principal Damocles. Earlier this morning, I looked ahead on everything. You look to be an amazing student, Mr.Parker. But tell me, why do you want to learn here?"

"Well, it doesn't hurt to learn a bit more about different things. Even if it's from across the world. Gotta look good for college."

"Alright then."

Mr.Damocles started to type out Peter's schedule. After that, he printed it out, and handed it to Peter.

"Alright Mr.Parker, this is your schedule. Your first class is with Mrs.Bustier. She's a very nice teacher, the students love her. I'll email her to let her know about. Hope you'll enjoy Paris, Mr.Parker."

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