chapter 0

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Cedrick and the first rebellion

A star wars story


It was setting to the night, among the vast, starscrapers of a far off planet, zooming past its cities, of the planet in a small neighborhood. A ball can be seen in the distance boucning in the middle of the street stopping mid way. "commadus! I swear your trying to tick me off!, why are you acting like a little hoodlum!" said a small male voice no older then 9.

"Bite me! Cedrick!" said commadus voice.

"Commadus I'm your brother! You need to show some respect!, if dad was here he would be more upset then usual!"

"that old prick is not here to tell me what to do!, I'm out!"

"Hey march yourself to your room little man!" and out from some bushes, comes a boy no older then 9, with a red tunic, and blue pants wearing white gloves, came in the middle of the street to get the ball. But he failed to see a speeder driving erratically, while in the background to the left. A man with brown robes, saw whats going to happen, and ran as fast as he could, to try to save the kid, but as the speeder, swerved but still at a velocity, where by the time cedrick, saw whats coming, a bright flash , along with a collision sound can be heard, all cedrick can register, is "hold on young man! I'll get you help!," all most he can hear is his own scream of agony down to muffle, then faded to darkness.

Three days later

Cedrick was in darkness, and his eyes are barley opening, "the force is determined in this one." As he was slowly barely regaining conciousness, "dad!?" said the hazed cedrick, " I'm not your dad my friend, but there is someone more related to you, who was worried then most."

Only to see in front of him, a man with brown long hair, wearing brown and white robes, with a woman with black hair with blonde highlights, wearing a periwinkle, and aquamarine turtleneck, came in and hugged cedrick. "mom!'' sounding both happy and confused.

"oh! Cedrick please promise me you never go or do anything without telling me!"

"I know, I do!'

"why did you go into the street?"

"the ball flew over the bushes.''

"well in your defense we should've finished the fence, but next time, tell me before you lost something."

Then after a few days in the hospital, getting visits from his family from his grandparents, from his dad, and mom side, and what he heard his brother has been enrolled in the bootcamp, because he was caught bashing in a kids face with a trashcan at school.

None of it surprised him. But the most he's been getting visits from the man who got him to the hospital, his name is qui gon, and both has been getting to know each other, but it wasn't long till qui gon caught to the chase. "when I met you my little friend, all I can say is you got the makings of a good hero." Cedrick was odd, but took it with complement, " tell me have you know of the force?" cedrick nodded. " I can sense it in you, but I can tell your family has a history with the jedi?"

Cedrick pop his neck, with a furrow, "you have no idea." Then qui gon nodded putting his hand on his shoulder, " well I can assure you, im not like or with them to begin with, in fact if I take you under my wing with a few of my acolytes, you can see the jedi get their just deserts.

Cedricks mom heard it from behind the door, but did not intervene, for almost like if theres any way to get revenge, on the jedi shes in.

"I need to open you mind to it, and thus I can awaken your families locked away abilities." And with that qui gon touched his head on both sides, and almost withtheir eyes lighting grey, it was over in a second, but cedrick was confused, " what was that?", scratching his head, " I opened you mind, what you need to do is concentrate on healing, the rest I will train you., but in the mean time your gonna be my search dog and find our army."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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